Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 690-077-0077 - Processing an Instream Lease Application

Universal Citation: OR Admin Rules 690-077-0077

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024

(1) On receipt of a lease application, the Department shall include notice of the application in its weekly public notice mailing list and post it in the applicable watermaster office.

(2) A written assessment shall be prepared by the watermaster or other Department field staff of whether the lease application meets the requirements of these rules to suspend the original water use and avoid injury or enlargement;

(3) When the Department initially reviews a lease application, particular attention shall be given to potential sources of enlargement or injury. Examples include but are not limited to: issues related to rate and duty, or total volume being changed; the allotment of stored water available to the owner of a storage right in the year leased; the role of return flows; conveyance losses downstream of the original point of diversion; potential issues related to junior users, especially, downstream of the original point of diversion; potential issues related to the priority date of instream water rights; whether a proposal to lease a permit for stored water would result in converting undeveloped rights; and issues potentially arising from water users that share a conveyance system. Any allegations of injury to existing water rights or enlargement of the original water right that are received within 21 days of the date of mailing of the weekly public notice shall be reviewed by the parties to the lease before the Department issues an order approving or denying the lease application. If no comments are received the Department may presume that no injury or enlargement will result from the proposed lease.

(4) If the Department determines that the proposed lease may cause injury to existing water rights or enlargement of the original right, considering issues raised under Section (3) of this rule, the order approving the lease application shall be conditioned to prevent the injury or enlargement. If injury or enlargement cannot be prevented the Department shall deny the lease application. However, if an order approving the lease application has already been issued, and the Department later finds injury or enlargement, the Department shall issue an order modifying or terminating the lease.

(5) If a lease is for more than one year the parties shall review any allegations of injury or enlargement that are received through December 31 of the preceding calendar year of the lease, to determine whether modifications of the lease order are warranted for the remainder of the term of the lease. If injury or enlargement claims are valid and cannot be prevented the Department shall issue an order terminating the lease.

(6) In the event that the Department receives a claim of injury or enlargement after issuing an order approving a lease, the Department shall notify the parties. If the Department determines the claim is valid, it shall not distribute water in a way that would cause the injury or enlargement to continue.

(7) The description of the reach or point of an instream water right provided in response to OAR 690-077-0076(3)(c) shall conform to the provisions of 690-077-0015(7) and (8) and 690-077-0075(2).

(8) Except as provided in OAR 690-077-0079, a lease involving a water right that is limited to a season of use or a duty of water for a season or year shall only allow the use of the original water right or the instream right, not both, during any one season unless the source is from stored water.

(9) If the water right being leased has an associated primary or supplemental water right, the lessor(s) shall assure that neither right is being exercised under the original right during the term of the lease unless the lease is for the use of water legally stored under a supplemental water right. In the case of supplemental stored water, an order approving a lease may be issued that does not restrict the use of the primary source.

(10) Nothing in these rules shall be interpreted to prevent the renewal of a lease application or to prevent outside agreements for longer terms that will be activated by an order approving a lease when needed to establish an instream water right in a particular season or at a particular time. A renewal shall be subject to the provisions of this rule.

(11) Water rights for which an order has been issued approving a lease application under OAR 690-077-0077 are considered to be beneficially used for each year that the lease establishes an instream water right.

(12) A lessee has the same standing as the lessor for all purposes regarding management and enforcement of the instream water right.

(13) Copies of orders approving a lease application shall be distributed to all parties, filed with the appropriate watermaster, and tracked on the Department's water rights information system.

(14) Leases that are executed under the provisions of ORS 536.720 to 536.780"Emergency Water Shortage Powers" shall not be subject to provisions of these rules. Those leases are covered by OAR chapter 690 division 19.

(15) Except as provided in Sections (4) and (5) of this rule, orders approving lease applications shall only be terminated by a superseding order or by specific provision of the originating order approving the lease application.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.027 & 537.332 - 539.360

Stats. Implemented:

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