(a) In accordance with ORS
536.310 and
536.340, the waters of the Lower
Rogue River Basin are classified for domestic, livestock, municipal,
irrigation, agricultural use, power development, industrial, mining,
recreation, wildlife, and fish life, with the following exceptions:
(A) The waters within the Rogue River Scenic
Waterway from the confluence with Applegate River near river mile 95 to Lobster
Creek Bridge near river mile 11 are classified for domestic, livestock, and
irrigation of one-half acre noncommercial garden, and instream use for
recreation, wildlife and fish life;
(B) Those waters on which development is
further restricted by ORS
(C) In accordance with ORS
538.270, the waters of the main
channel of the Rogue River (excluding tributaries) from its intersection with
the south line of Section 27, T33S, R1E, W.M. to its confluence with the
Pacific Ocean, are withdrawn from appropriation for any purpose except
domestic, stock, irrigation, municipal, fish, wildlife, recreation, and road
(D) To protect,
maintain and perpetuate anadromous fish habitat and propagation within the
Lower Rogue Basin, the waters of the following stream reaches of tributaries to
the Rogue River shall not be diverted, interrupted or appropriated for
hydropower development purposes:
(i) Lobster
Creek from the confluence of the North and South Forks of Lobster Creek,
downstream to the mouth;
(ii) North
Fork Lobster Creek from the intersection with the east line of Section 15,
Township 34 South, Range 13 West, Willamette Meridian, downstream to the
(iii) South Fork Lobster
Creek from the intersection with the east line of Section 30, Township 34
South, Range 12 West, Willamette Meridian, downstream to the mouth;
(iv) Shasta Costa Creek from the intersection
with the east line of Section 35, Township 34 South, Range 11 West, Willamette
Meridian, downstream to the mouth;
(v) Foster Creek from the intersection with
the west line of Section 12, Township 34 South, Range 12 West, Willamette
Meridian, downstream to the mouth;
(vi) Quosatana Creek from the intersection
with the projected south line of Section 23, Township 36 South, Range 13 West,
Willamette Meridian, downstream to the mouth;
(vii) Jim Hunt Creek from the intersection
with the south line of Section 14, Township 36 South, Range 14 West, Willamette
Meridian, downstream to the mouth;
(viii) Mule Creek from the intersection with
the east line of Section 26, Township 32 South, Range 10 West, Willamette
Meridian, downstream to the mouth.
(b) Structures or works for the utilization
of the waters in accordance with the aforementioned classifications, are also
declared to be prejudicial to the public interest unless planned, constructed,
and operated in conformity with applicable provisions of ORS
536.310 and any such structures
or works are further declared to be prejudicial to the public interest which do
not give proper cognizance to the multiple-purpose concept.