Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 690-382-0700 - Preliminary Determination
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) After the conclusion of the public comment period described in OAR 690-382-0600(4), the Department shall prepare a preliminary determination of whether the modification should be recognized, taking into account comments received in response to the notice provided under OAR 690-382-0600 and the considerations described in section (2) of this rule.
(2) The Department's preliminary determination shall include an assessment of whether:
(3) For a preliminary determination that indicates that an application should not be recognized, the preliminary determination shall:
(4) The Department shall provide a copy of the draft preliminary determination to the applicant and provide the applicant a period of at least 30 days to amend the application to address any issues identified by the Department in the preliminary determination, including the quantity of water to be included in the modification, or to withdraw the application.
(5) Upon receipt of the draft preliminary determination, an applicant other than an entity that meets the criteria described in OAR 690-382-0400(16)(b) or (c) shall submit the following information:
(6) The report of ownership information required under subsection (5)(a) of this rule must:
(7) The draft preliminary determination shall constitute the notification required under OAR 690-382-0200 that there are other layered rights, permits, or registrations that must be addressed prior to recognition of the modification.
(8) If the applicant amends the application or provides additional information in support of approval of the application, the Department shall revise the draft preliminary determination as appropriate.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.025; 536.027, 537.610, 540.531, HB 2123 (ch. 614, 2005 Oregon Water Laws)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 537.610, 540.505-540.532, HB 2123 (ch. 614, 2005 Oregon Water Laws)