Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 690-380-2120 - Change in Point of Diversion to Reflect Historical Use
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) As provided in ORS 540.532, any individual who holds a water right certificate or decree may request a change in point of diversion or appropriation to reflect the historical use of water at a point of diversion or appropriation other than that described in the water right certificate or decree. The individual shall use the Department's water right transfer application form, clearly marked "Historic Change in POD," and, except as otherwise provided in section (2) of this rule, include the information required in OAR 690-380-3000.
(2) An individual requesting a change in the point of diversion or appropriation under section (1) of this rule shall provide to the Department the following additional information:
(3) On receipt of an application for a change in point of diversion or appropriation under section (1) of this rule, the Department shall:
(4) Upon receipt from the Department of the list of affected water rights and a copy of the notice, the individual shall determine the name and address of the current holder of each affected water right identified by the Department and shall mail or hand deliver the notice to all such holders. The individual shall provide to the Department written proof of service upon the water right holders. A transfer under section (1) of this rule shall not be approved by the Department before the Department receives the written proof of service and before the comment date specified in the notice, whichever is later.
(5) If, after considering any comments received, the Department finds the individual requesting a change in point of diversion or appropriation to reflect historical use satisfies the requirements under section (2) to (4) of this rule and that the change does not cause injury, the request shall be approved. The order approving the change in point of diversion or appropriation shall establish a deadline for compliance with any conditions needed to prevent injury and, where required, to provide fish screening. If a certificate had previously been issued, the order shall cancel the certificate. The director shall issue a new certificate confirming the change in point of diversion or appropriation and preserving all other conditions of the water right.
(6) After the deadline for compliance with conditions of an approval established pursuant to section (5) of this rule, the use of water from the point of diversion or appropriation shall be subject to continued compliance with the conditions.
(7) As used in this rule, "individual" means a natural person and does not include a government body, organization, business enterprise, or other such entity.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 536.025 & 536.027
Stats. Implemented: ORS 540.532