(4) Permit Application. A request for an ASR
permit shall be submitted on a form provided by the Department. The application
shall consist of the following:
Information on, and Attachments to, the Form:
(A) Name, address and telephone number of the
(B) The proposed source
for injection water, maximum diversion rate, maximum injection rate at each
well(s), maximum storage volume, maximum storage duration, and maximum
withdrawal rate at each well(s);
(C) Identification of Water Right for
Injection Source Water. The water right(s) for which the ASR permit is
(D) Water Right Holder
Agreement. If the applicant is not the holder of the water right for the
proposed ASR project as cited in paragraph (C) of this subsection, a statement
from the water right holder shall indicate permission for use of the water for
(E) Limited License(s) Used
for Testing. The limited license which was issued to perform the ASR testing
necessary for this application;
Legal Land Use. Evidence that land use and development approval from a local
government is obtained or unnecessary;
(G) Map. The map submitted with the ASR
application shall be prepared by a certified water right examiner and meet the
following criteria:
(i) The application map,
which is made part of the record, shall be of permanent quality and drawn with
sufficient clarity so as to be easily reproduced;
(ii) The map shall be drawn on vellum or
mylar except that maps measuring 11" x 17" or smaller may be prepared on
good-quality paper. The map shall be drawn to a standard, even scale of not
less than 4 inches = 1 mile. A small area map may be more easily and clearly
drawn to a larger scale, such as 1 inch = 400 feet;
(iii) The map shall show clearly the location
of each injection source water diversion point, or well, by reference to a
recognized public land survey corner. The locations may be shown by distance
and bearing or by coordinates (distance north or south and distance east and
west from the corner);
(iv) The map
shall show clearly the location of main canals, ditches, pipelines, or flumes
which are used to transport injection source water to the injection
(v) The map shall show
clearly the location of the well(s) where water is to be injected;
(vi) The map shall show clearly the location
of the well(s) where water is to be recovered;
(vii) The map shall show clearly the location
of observation well(s);
(viii) The
map shall show clearly other topographical features such as roads, streams,
railroads, etc., which may be helpful in locating the diversion points in the
field; and
(ix) The map shall show
clearly the scale to which the map is drawn, the section number, township, and
range, and a North directional symbol.
(H) Applicants that are public supply systems
as defined by the Health Division (OAR 333-061-0020(68)) shall acknowledge the
need to comply with the Health Division's plan submission and review
requirements (OAR 333-061-0060);
Other Information. Any other information required by the Department.
(b) Supplemental Reports:
(A) Proposed ASR Operations. A detailed
description of proposed ASR operations shall include a description of the
proposed manner of ASR operations including injection rates specific to each
well, water storage volumes, injected water storage durations, recovery rates
at each well, water level monitoring including a quality assurance and quality
control plan, water quality sampling, contingency plan for use of recovered
water if the intended use isn't possible and reporting. (A licensed
professional will be required to develop this information as required by Oregon
(B) Proposed System Design.
The proposed system design package shall include well construction information
for any injection, recovery, observation and source wells, the wellhead
assembly, piping system for injection and recovery, and other conceptual design
components of the system. (A licensed professional will be required to develop
this information as required by Oregon Law;
(C) Test Report. The results of testing under
the limited license, including:
(i) Quality of
Injection Source Water. Test results of the quality of the injection source
water as required in the test plan proposal under the limited
(ii) Quality of Receiving
Aquifer Water. Test results of the quality of the aquifer water as required in
the test plan proposal under the limited license;
(iii) Quality of Recovered Water. Test
results of the quality of the recovered aquifer water as required under the
limited license;
(iv) Groundwater
Information. Hydrogeologic information shall include the local geology, a
conceptual hydrogeologic model, a description of the aquifer targeted for
storage, estimated flow direction and rate of movement, allocation of surface
water, springs or wells within the area affected by ASR wells, rationale for
estimating the affected area, anticipated changes to the groundwater system due
to the proposed ASR project, potential natural resource problems of testing,
and other information on groundwater and surface water conditions for basing
recovery estimations. (A licensed professional will be required to develop this
information as required by Oregon law. (ORS
672.505 -
(D) Comments on
Source Water/Standards. The applicant shall address the following situations as
they apply:
(i) If a constituent that is
regulated under OAR 333-061-0030 (ORS
448.131 and
448.273) or OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165) is detected in the
source water, the applicant shall demonstrate that there are not other sources
of water available to the applicant which would be satisfactory for injection
and lower in the constituent of concern. Other sources are limited to those for
which the applicant has water rights;
(ii) If a constituent is detected in the
source water above 50% of the levels established under OAR 333-061-0030 (ORS
448.131 and
448.273) or OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165), the applicant shall
install a treatment method, system or other alternative method to reduce the
constituent to less than 50% of those levels, unless the applicant can show
that there is not a treatment method, system or other alternative method that
will reduce the level of a contaminant below the 50% level, or the lesser of:
(I) The applicant can show that it would be
more costly to provide the treatment method, system or other alternative method
necessary than to obtain the same amount of stored water from the next cheapest
feasible water supply alternative; or
(II) In the case of a drinking water system
the applicant can show the cost of adding the treatment method, system or other
alternative method increases the cost per household of providing water
(including operation, maintenance, and debt service for prior water projects)
above 1.5% of the median household income of the community.
(iii) Notwithstanding paragraph (4)(b)(D)(ii)
of this rule, in the event the applicant cannot reduce a constituent to less
than the 50% level, the applicant shall minimize the constituent level by
providing the level of treatment available or other alternative method which
for the same amount of stored water is not as costly as either the next
cheapest water supply alternative or an amount equal to that necessary to
increase the cost per household of providing water to 1.5% of the median
household income of the community, whichever is less;
(iv) Notwithstanding the provisions of
paragraph (4)(b)(D)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this rule and after consulting with
the DEQ and the HD, the Department may determine that the circumstances are
such that an alternative source, treatment method, system, or other alternative
method is acceptable or not necessary.
(c) Other Information. Any other information
required by the Department.