Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Testing Purposes. To store and use water
injected into an aquifer for aquifer storage and recovery testing purposes
requires a limited license. Only after completion of an ASR testing program
under a limited license may an applicant apply for a permanent ASR permit. The
testing approach shall be designed to provide information as needed to evaluate
the ultimate capacity anticipated for the project. The limited license may
allow for a bene-ficial use(s) of the recovered water.
(2) Pre-application Conference. The
Department requires at least one pre-application conference with a prospective
licensee prior to filing an application requesting the right to use water under
a limited license for ASR testing. The purpose of the conference is to describe
and discuss the processes and requirements which the Department associates with
water storage and recovery in the ASR Program. The conference may serve as a
point of review for the apparent adequacy of the applicant's hydrogeologic and
other information. The Department shall invite personnel from both the DEQ and
HD to the conference.
(3) Limited
License Application. A request for a limited license for a period of up to five
years shall be submitted on a form provided by the Department. The application
shall consist of the following:
Information on, and Attachments to, the Form:
(A) Name, address, and telephone number of
the applicant;
(B) The proposed
source for injection water, maximum diversion rate, maximum injection rate at
each well(s), maximum storage volume, maximum storage duration, and maximum
withdrawal rate at each well(s);
(C) License Duration. The term or duration
for which the limited license is sought;
(D) Proposed Use or Disposal of Recovered
Water. The proposed beneficial use or the intended disposal method for the
recovered water. In the event of contingencies which preclude the beneficial
use, the application should propose an alternate use or disposal. If an
existing water right is cited in the application for the injection source
water, the use of the recovered water shall be the same as that allowed under
the existing water right;
Ultimate Project Size. The ultimate capacity anticipated for the final project
to be tested including the proposed source for injection water, maximum
diversion rate, maximum injection rate at each well(s), maximum storage volume,
maximum storage duration, and maximum withdrawal rate at each
(F) Water Availability or
Water Right Statement. Access to water shall be evidenced by a completed water
availability statement from the local watermaster on forms provided by the
Department, results from the Department's water availability model or citation
of the existing water right (permit or certificate) which is available for use
in ASR testing under the limited license;
(G) Water Right Holder Agreement. If the
applicant is not the holder of the water right for the proposed ASR testing as
may be cited in (F) above, a statement from the water right holder shall
indicate permission for use of the water for ASR testing;
(H) Legal Land Use. Evidence that land use
and development approval from a local government is sought, obtained, or
(I) Map. A site map of
reproducible quality, drawn to a standard, even scale of not less than 2 inches
= 1 mile, showing:
(i) The locations of all
proposed points of diversion, injection wells, recovery wells, and observation
wells for the limited license and the final project referenced by coordinates
or by bearing and distance to the nearest established or projected public land
survey corner;
(ii) The general
stream course of the source for the proposed use, if applicable;
(iii) Other topographical features such as
roads, streams, railroads, etc., which may be helpful in locating the diversion
points in the field.
Applicants that are public supply systems as defined by the Health Division
(OAR 333-061-0020(68)) shall acknowledge the need to comply with the Health
Division's plan submission and review requirements (OAR 333-061-0060);
(K) Other Information. The
applicant shall provide any other information the Department believes necessary
to evaluate the ASR testing.
(b) Supplemental Reports:
(A) Proposed ASR Test Program. The proposed
testing program shall include injection rates and schedules, water storage
volumes, the injected water storage durations, recovery rates and schedule,
water quality sampling including a quality assurance and quality control plan,
water level monitoring including location of observation wells, contingency
plan for use of recovered water if the intended use not possible, information
on the anticipated final project (scope and conceptual design), and testing
report outline. (A licensed professional will be required to develop this
information as required by Oregon Law);
(B) Proposed System Design. The proposed
system design package shall include well construction information for any
injection, recovery, observation and source wells, the wellhead assembly,
piping system for injection and recovery, and other conceptual design
components of the system. (A licensed professional will be required to develop
this information as required by Oregon Law);
(C) Groundwater Information. Preliminary
hydrogeologic information shall include the local geology, a conceptual
hydrogeologic model, a description of the aquifer targeted for storage,
estimated flow direction and rate of movement, allocation of surface water,
springs or wells within the area affected by ASR wells, rationale for
estimating the affected area, anticipated changes to the groundwater system due
to the proposed ASR testing, potential natural resource problems of testing,
and other information on groundwater and surface water conditions antecedent to
ASR for basing recovery estimations. (A licensed professional will be required
to develop this information as required by Oregon law. (ORS
(D) Quality of Source Water. The applicant
shall provide information regarding the quality and treatment of the proposed
injection source water relevant to the proposed injection time of year for:
(i) Regulated constituents with maximum
contaminant levels under OAR 333-061-0030 (test results from a laboratory
approved by the HD (OAR 333-061-0036));
(ii) Unregulated constituents under OAR
333-061-0036 (test results from a laboratory approved by the HD (OAR
(iii) Constituents
with maximum measurable levels established under OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165) (test results from a
laboratory approved by the HD (OAR 333-061-0036));
(iv) Compliance with treatment requirements
and performance standards for source waters that fall in categories identified
in OAR 333-061-0032;
(v) Common ion
constituents and water quality parameters to include: alkalinity or
bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, sodium, potassium, chloride,
sulfate, silica, total dissolved solids, pH, redox potential and
(vi) Other
constituents as required by the Department.
(E) Comments on Source Water/Standards. The
applicant shall address the following situations as they apply:
(i) If a constituent that is regulated under
OAR 333-061-0030 (ORS
448.131 and
448.273) or OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165) is detected in the
source water, the applicant shall demonstrate that there are not other sources
of water available to the applicant which would be satisfactory for injection
and lower in the constituent of concern;
(ii) If a constituent is detected in the
source water above 50% of the levels established under OAR 333-061-0030 (ORS
448.131 and
448.273) or OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165), the applicant shall
install a treatment method, system or other alternative method to reduce the
constituent to less than 50% of those levels, unless the applicant can show
that there is not a treatment method, system or other alternative method that
will reduce the level of a contaminant below the 50% level, or the lesser of:
(I) The applicant can show that it would be
more costly to provide the treatment method, system or other alternative method
necessary than to obtain the same amount of stored water from the next cheapest
feasible water supply alternative; or
(II) In the case of a drinking water system
the applicant can show the cost of adding the treatment method, system or other
alternative method increases the cost per household of providing water
(including operation, maintenance, and debt service for prior water projects)
above 1.5% of the median household income of the community.
(iii) Notwithstanding paragraph (3)(b)(E)(ii)
of this rule, in the event the applicant cannot reduce a constituent to less
than the 50% level, the applicant shall minimize the constituent level by
providing the level of treatment available or other alternative method which
for the same amount of stored water is not as costly as either the next
cheapest water supply alternative or an amount equal to that necessary to
increase the cost per household of providing water to 1.5% of the median
household income of the community, whichever is less;
(iv) Notwithstanding the provisions of
paragraphs (3)(b)(E)(i), (ii) and (iii) of this rule and after consulting with
the DEQ and the HD, the Department may determine that the circumstances are
such that an alternative source, treatment method, system, or other alternative
method is acceptable or not necessary.
(F) Quality of Receiving Aquifer Water. The
applicant shall provide information regarding the quality of the receiving
aquifer water for:
(i) Regulated constituents
with maximum contaminant levels under OAR 333-061-0030 (test results from a
laboratory approved by the HD (OAR 333-061-0036));
(ii) Unregulated constituents under OAR
333-061-0036 (test results from a laboratory approved by the HD (OAR
(iii) Constituents
with maximum measurable levels established under OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165) (test results from a
laboratory approved by the HD (OAR 333-061-0036));
(iv) Common ion constituents and water
quality parameters to include: alkalinity or bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium,
iron, manganese, sodium, potassium, chloride, sulfate, silica, total dissolved
solids, pH, redox potential and temperature;
(v) Other constituents as required by the
(G) Comments
on Compatibility. The applicant shall evaluate the compatibility of the
injection source water and receiving aquifer water for possible changes in
aquifer characteristics due to hydrogeologic or hydrogeochemical changes.
(c) Other Information.
Any other information required by the Department.
(4) Limited License Application Processing:
(a) Review of Application for Completeness.
Within 45 days after an individual submits or resubmits an application, the
Department shall consult with DEQ and HD about the completeness of the
application, determine the completeness of the application, and either:
(A) Notify the applicant that it is complete
for purposes of evaluation; or
Notify the applicant of what additional information is required before the
application is resubmitted.
(b) Public Notice/Comment Period. Within 7
days after determining that an application is complete, the Department shall
provide public notice of the request to the public in the same manner as is
used for other water use applications. The appearance in the public notice
commences a 30-day public comment period for the application. The Department
may require additional information from the applicant pursuant to its own
concerns and those raised by the public comments;
(c) DEQ and HD Assistance. The Department
shall rely on the DEQ and the HD to comment on and recommend conditions for the
limited license and shall provide the public notice and a copy of the complete
application to those agencies at the opening of the comment period;
(d) Director's Action on the Application. The
Director shall consider comments and recommendations received during the public
comment period, and shall:
(A) Issue the
license with proper conditions upon finding that:
(i) The proposed ASR testing will not impair
or be detrimental to the public interest;
(ii) The proposed ASR testing will produce
information that will adequately describe the water quality and quantity
response in the aquifer and at nearby wells and springs due to ASR activities;
(iii) The proposed use will not
expand the use under an existing water right; or
(B) Deny the application upon finding that
the ASR testing will impair the public interest or will not adequately produce
information that will describe the water quality and quantity response in the
aquifer and at nearby wells and springs due to ASR activities.
(e) Starting January 1,
1997, the actions outlined in subsection (4)(d) of this section shall occur
within 60 days of the close of the comment period;
(f) The Department shall send a copy of the
final order to commentors.
(5) Limited License Conditioning. A limited
license shall contain the following conditions:
(a) Test Plan Authorization. The limited
license shall authorize an ASR test plan which includes the source for
injection water, the maximum diversion rate from the source, the maximum
injection rate at each well(s), the maximum storage volume, the maximum storage
duration, and the maximum recovery rate at each well(s);
(b) Duration. The Director may issue a
limited license for ASR purposes for a term of not more than five
(c) License Renewal. The
limited license may be renewed if the applicant demonstrates to the Director's
satisfaction that further testing is necessary and that the applicant complied
with the terms of the limited license. The Department shall offer an additional
public comment opportunity prior to renewing the limited license. The
standards, findings and process used in the license renewal process shall be as
provided in OAR 690-350-0020 and, as a condition of renewal, the Department may
further condition the license consistent with the requirements of this
(d) Notice Prior to Injection
and Recovery. The licensee shall give notice, in writing, to the watermaster
not less than 15 days in advance of initiating injection under the limited
license and recovering stored water. The injection notice shall include the
limited license number, the location of the injection source water diversion,
the quantity of water to be diverted from that source, the time of injection,
and the place of injection. The recovery notice shall include the limited
license number, the location of the recovery well(s), the time of recovery, and
the quantity of water to be recovered;
(e) Record of Use. The permittee shall
maintain a record of injection and recovery, including the total number of
hours of injection and recovery and the total metered quantity injected and
recovered. The record of use may be reviewed by Department staff upon
Modification/Revocation. The Department shall notify the licensee in writing
when the Director either considers modifying or revoking the limited license
and allow the licensee to respond:
(A) The
Director may modify the ASR limited license for any of the following reasons:
(i) To reflect changes in HD and DEQ water
quality or treatment standards;
(ii) To address needed technological changes
as requested by DEQ or HD to minimize constituents regulated under OAR
333-061-0030 (ORS 448.131 and
448.273) or OAR 340-040 (ORS
(iii) Upon written request from the applicant
for minor adjustments to the authorization in the limited
(B) The Director
may revoke or modify the ASR limited license for any of the following reasons:
(i) To prevent or mitigate injury to other
water rights, minimum perennial streamflows or aquifer water quality;
(ii) To address any other
unintended, injurious effects of the ASR activity.
(C) The Department may offer an additional
public comment opportunity consistent with the notice and comment provisions of
this rule prior to modifying the limited license.
(g) Priority/Protection. A limited license
does not receive a priority date and is not protected under ORS
(h) Compliance with Other Laws. The injection
of acceptable water into an aquifer(s) under the limited license shall comply
with all applicable local, state or federal laws;
(i) Water Quality Conditions:
(A) The limited license shall include
conditions to minimize, to the extent technically feasible, practical and
cost-effective, the concentration of constituents in the injection source water
that are not naturally present in the aquifer;
(B) Except as otherwise provided in (5)(i)(C)
of this rule, if the injection source water contains constituents regulated
under OAR 333-061-0030 (ORS
448.131 and
448.273) or OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165) that are detected at
greater than 50 percent of the established levels, the aquifer storage and
recovery limited license may require the licensee to employ technically
feasible, practical and cost-effective methods to minimize concentrations of
such constituents in the injection source water. The Department, in
consultation with DEQ and HD, may set specific limits between 50 and 100% of
the established level for constituents regulated under OAR 333-061-0030 (ORS
448.131 and
448.273) or OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165) as provided by the
standards in paragraph (3)(b)(E) of this rule;
(C) Constituents that have a secondary
contaminant level or constituents that are associated with disinfection of the
water may be injected into the aquifer up to the standards established under
OAR 333-061-0030 (ORS
448.131 and
(D) The Department may, based upon valid
scientific data, further limit certain constituents in the injection source
water if the Department finds that those constituents will interfere with or
pose a threat to the maintenance of the water resources of the state for
present or future beneficial uses;
(E) The licensee shall be in compliance with
treatment requirements and performance standards for source waters identified
in OAR 333-061-0032;
(F) If during
the course of ASR testing a constituent which is regulated under OAR
333-061-0030 (ORS 448.131 and
448.273) or OAR 340-040 (ORS
468B.165) is detected above the
level prescribed in the limited license, the licensee shall stop injection
activities and notify the Department.
(j) Monitoring/Sampling/Recovery/Reporting.
The limited license shall include conditions for reporting and monitoring the
ASR project aquifer impacts and for constituents reasonably expected to be
found in the injection source water. The Department may attach conditions to
the limited license regarding sampling and rates of recovery up to 100 percent
of the injection quantity. (Data collected under these provisions may be useful
in consideration of modifications to the limited license);
(k) Protection for Existing Users. The
limited license shall be conditioned to protect existing water rights and the
water quality of existing users that rely upon the receiving aquifer and the
injection source water;
(l) Use of
Recovered Water. If the limited license proposes to recover water injected
under an existing water right, the use of the recovered water shall be for the
use cited in the water right. If the limited license is not predicated on an
existing water right, the limited license may authorize a use(s) for the
recovered water;
(m) Other
Conditions. The limited license may contain any other conditions required by
the Department to protect the public welfare, health, and
Stat. Auth.: ORS
536.027 & ORS
Stats. Implemented: ORS
537.531 - ORS