Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 660-018-0040 - Submittal of Adopted Change
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) When a local government adopts a proposed change to an acknowledged comprehensive plan or a land use regulation it shall submit the decision to the department, with the appropriate notice forms provided by the department, within 20 days.
(2) For purposes of the 20-day requirement under section (1) of this rule, the proposed change is considered submitted to the department:
(3) The submission to the department must in a format acceptable to the department and include all of the following materials:
(4) Where amendments or new land use regulations, including supplementary materials, exceed 100 pages, a summary of the amendment briefly describing its purpose and requirements shall be included with the submittal to the director.
(5) For local governments that produce geospatial data describing an urban growth boundary (UGB) or urban or rural reserve that is created or altered as part of an adopted change to a comprehensive plan or land use regulation, the submission must include electronic geospatial data depicting the boundary change. Local governments that create or alter other zoning or comprehensive plan maps as geospatial data are encouraged but not required to share this data with the department. Geospatial data submitted to the department must comply with the following standards endorsed by the Oregon Geographic Information Council:
(6) Local government must notify the department of withdrawals or denials of proposals previously sent to the department under requirements of OAR 660-018-0020.
(7) If a local government did not submit a notice of a proposed change to a comprehensive plan or land use regulation to the department as required by OAR 660-018-0020, the transmittal must clearly indicate which provisions of OAR 660-018-022 are applicable.
NOTE: ORS 197.610 clearly requires all adopted plan and land use regulation amendments and new land use regulations to be submitted to the director even if they were not required to be submitted for review prior to adoption.
(8) ORS 197.620 provides that a local government may cure the untimely submission of materials by either postponing the date for the final evidentiary hearing by the greater of 10 days or the number of days by which the submission was late; or by holding the evidentiary record open for an additional period of time equal to 10 days or the number of days by which the submission was late, whichever is greater. The local government shall provide notice of such postponement or record extension to the department.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 197.040
Stats. Implemented: ORS 197.610 - 197.625