Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 632-037-0070 - Reclamation and Closure Plan
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
The Reclamation and Closure Plan section of a consolidated application shall include but not be limited to the following provisions for the protection of public health, safety, and the environment:
(1) Procedures for the salvage, storage and replacement of topsoil or acceptable substitute.
(2) Provisions for recontouring, stabilization and topsoil replacement of all disturbed areas, where appropriate.
(3) Provisions for the revegetation of all disturbed areas consistent with the establishment of a self-sustaining ecosystem, comparable to undamaged ecosystems in the area of the mine. This shall include but not be limited to seedbed preparation, mulching, fertilizing, species selection, seeding planting rates and schedules. If applicable, the applicant shall include a plan for control of noxious weeds as identified by the Department of Agriculture.
(4) Characterization and management plan for all wastes, including quantity and quality.
(5) Provisions for specifying adequate setbacks from adjacent property boundaries and from surface waters or other resources when necessary to ensure compliance with environmental standards.
(6) Procedures for all impacted or reconstructed stream channels, riparian area vegetation and stream banks to be rehabilitated or restored so as to maximize water retention and to minimize bank erosion, channel scour, siltation, and increased water temperatures.
(7) Provisions for prevention of stagnant water may be required by the Department.
(8) Provisions for the establishment of required slopes, including reclaimed highwalls and in-water slopes.
(9) Provisions for visual screening of proposed operation if the permit area is visible from a public highway or residential area. Techniques for visual screening include but are not limited to vegetation, fencing or berms.
(10) Procedures for the removal or disposal of all equipment, refuse, structures and foundations from the permit area.
(11) Provisions to maintain access to utilities when a utility company right-of-way exists.
(12) Procedures or information for decommissioning mine facilities including but not limited to:
(13) An estimate of the total cost of reclamation consistent with the standards imposed under ORS 517.750 to 517.955.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 517.750 - ORS 517.995
Stats. Implemented: ORS 517.971