Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 629-670-0010 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
As used in OAR chapter 629, divisions 670 through 680:
(1) "Board" means the State Board of Forestry.
(2) "Damage" means an adverse disturbance to a resource protected by the Oregon Forest Practices Act that cannot be immediately stabilized and corrected, resulting from a forest practice that is not in compliance with the Oregon Forest Practices Act or the forest practice rules.
(3) "Forest practice rule" means any rule regulating operations under the Oregon Forest Practices Act, as found in OAR chapter 629, divisions 600 through 680.
(4) "Operation" means any commercial activity relating to the establishment, management or harvest of forest tree species except as provided by the following:
(5) "Operator" means any person, including a landowner or timber owner, who conducts an operation.
(6) "Plan for an Alternate Practice" means a document prepared by the landowner, operator or timber owner, submitted for approval in writing by the State Forester describing practices different than those prescribed in statute or administrative rule.
(7) "State Forester" means the State Forester or the duly authorized representative of the State Forester.
(8) "Timely corrective action" means action to be taken by the operator within a specified time to prevent or reverse the damage potentially caused by an unsatisfactory condition.
(9) "Unsatisfactory condition" means the circumstance which exists when an operator or landowner fails to comply with a practice specified in a forest practice rule or statute listed in ORS 527.990(1) or 527.992 and the State Forester determines that all of the following conditions exist:
(10) "Violation" means the circumstances which exist any time one or more of the following occurs:
(11) "Written statement of unsatisfactory condition" means a written statement issued by the State Forester to a landowner or an operator that describes the nature of an unsatisfactory condition and that specifies the corrective action to be taken within a definite time limit.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 527.710 & 526.016
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 527.674, 527.685527.700 & 527.715