Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 585-010-0040 - Financial Support for Attendance at Institution of Higher Education
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Basic Criteria. Commission may provide financial support to a client for attendance at an institution of higher education. In addition to the comprehensive evaluation required under section (2), the following criteria apply to this rule:
(2) Comprehensive evaluation.
(3) Alternative to Comprehensive Evaluation. Subject to the basic criteria provided in section (1) of this rule, a comprehensive evaluation is not required to provide financial support to clients who have successfully completed one (1) academic year, of 12 credits per term or full-time equivalent, financed by personal or other resources.
(4) Remedial Training. Where comprehensive evaluation results indicate that a client is not ready to attend an institution of higher education, but where a potential for such attendance is present, remedial training will be made available. When remedial training progress indicates that the client is ready to attend an institution of higher education, financial support may be provided.
(5) Continuation of Financial Support.
(6) Submission of Grade Reports. Each client shall submit a copy of an official institution record of their grades to their counselor at Commission not later than 30 days following the completion of each term.
(7) Support for Attendance Outside the State of Oregon or at Private Institutions. When a course of study required by a client's IPE is not offered at a public institution of higher education within the State of Oregon, financial support for attendance at a private institution within the State of Oregon or at an institution outside of the State of Oregon may be provided, but only to the extent normally provided to clients who attend public institutions within the State of Oregon.
(8) Withdrawal from Institution. In the event that a client intends to withdraw completely from an institution of higher education where their attendance has been approved and financial support has been provided by Commission, the client is responsible for notifying their counselor at Commission of their intent to withdraw at least 30 days prior to the commencement of classes.
(9) Termination. Financial support to attend an institution of higher education will be terminated when the client qualifies at the entry level in the occupational field or profession for which they are studying, or when the client is determined to be ineligible for financial support under this rule.
(10) Advanced Study. At least one (1) year's work experience is required between completion of educational study at the baccalaureate level and the receipt of financial support for any advanced course of study. Requests for exceptions to this policy will be evaluated by Commission on an individual basis.
(11) The provision for financial support of attendance at an institution of higher education is contingent upon the availability of adequate funds to Commission for this purpose.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 346.150 & ORS 346.180
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 346.180