Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) A certified
child care center must ensure that children do not have access to heating
equipment such as furnaces, fireplaces, stoves, floor and wall furnace grates,
steam and hot water pipes, and electric space heaters, or to cooling equipment
such as, air conditioner compressors, and fans.
(a) A certified child care center must have
adequate heating and ventilation to maintain the indoor temperature no lower
than 68°F and no higher than 85°F when children are present. If the
center is unable to maintain an internal temperature between 68°F and
85°F, a center must utilize strategies to help children stay warm or
(b) A certified child care
center must ensure that all rooms including the kitchen and bathrooms have
enough ventilation to keep them free from excessive heat, condensation, smoke,
fumes, and unpleasant odors.
After painting or laying carpet, the building must be aired out completely for
at least 24 hours with good ventilation before children can return.
(2) A certified child care
center's heating equipment must be safe to operate.
(a) Flammable materials including papers,
curtains, and furniture must be at least 3 feet from furnaces, fireplaces, or
other heating devices.
(b) Open
flame, unvented and vent-free gas or oil heaters, generators, and portable
fuel-burning space heaters are prohibited while children are in care.
(c) Heating units that involve flame must be
vented properly to the outside and supplied with a source of combustion air
that meets the manufacturer's installation requirements.
(d) Electric baseboard heaters may be used
when wired directly into the electrical system and no objects are in contact
with the heating elements.
Portable electric space heaters must:
(A) Be
attended while in use and be off when unattended;
(B) Have an automatic shut off feature for
tipping over and overheating;
Have protective covering to keep hands and objects away from the electric
heating element;
(D) Bear the
safety certification mark of a nationally recognized testing
(E) Be placed only on
the floor;
(F) Be properly vented,
as required for proper functioning; and
(G) Be used according to the manufacturer's
Fireplaces, fireplace inserts, and wood/corn pellet stoves, if used, must:
(A) Have a secure, stable protective safety
(B) Be installed in
accordance with the local or regional building code and the manufacturer's
installation instructions; and
Be inspected and cleaned annually.
(3) A certified child care center's
electrical system must not pose a risk to children.
(a) Unused electrical outlets accessible to
children preschool-age and younger must be tamper-resistant or have outlet
covers that are not easily removed by children.
(b) Electrical wiring and power strips with
surge protectors must be inaccessible to children.
(c) Electrical cords must be in good working
condition, not torn or frayed, and not have any exposed wires.
(d) Extension cords may only be used for a
brief, temporary purpose and must not replace direct wiring.
(e) Electrical products plugged into an
outlet near a water source such as a sink, water table, or swimming pool, must
use a special outlet called a ground fault circuit interrupter
(4) All septic
systems must meet the requirements of the Department of Environmental Quality.
A private septic system must be inspected by a septic system maintenance
service provider, monitored on a routine basis, and any deficiencies
(5) Lighting levels must
be bright enough for comfort, safety, and adequate supervision.
(6) Light fixtures must be equipped with
covers, shields, or shatter resistant bulbs.
(7) A certified child care center's floor
surfaces must be easily cleanable and free of broken or loose tile, large or
unsealed cracks, splinters, torn carpet or vinyl, and holes.
(8) Carpet must not be used in food
preparation areas and restrooms.
(9) A certified child care center must
provide protective barriers on indoor platforms and lofts more than 30 inches
in height.
(a) Barriers or guard rails must be
at least 36 inches in height and prevent children from crawling over or falling
through the barrier or becoming entrapped.
(b) Stairs and steps leading to a platform,
regardless of height, must have handrails the children can reach or use rung
(10) Stairs
with more than three steps, ramps, and other elevated walking surfaces (e.g.,
landings, balconies, porches) accessible to children must have handrails
securely attached on both sides of stairs at a maximum height of 38
(11) A certified child care
center must have a movable barrier, e.g. a baby gate, placed at the top and/or
bottom of all stairways accessible to infants and toddlers.
(12) Doors and windows used for ventilation
must be equipped with fine-meshed screens.
Exterior screens or storm doors must have a self-closing apparatus.
(b) Windows above the ground floor that are
accessible to children preschool-age and younger must be equipped with a lock
to prevent opening more than 4 inches.
(c) Vertical blinds, continuous looped
blinds, and drapery cords must have tension or tie-down devices to hold the
cords tight.
(d) A certified child
care center must plainly mark at children's eye level any clear glass surfaces
subject to impact by children or have a protective barrier in place to avoid
accidental impact.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS