Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) A certified
child care center's licensed capacity is based on a combination of the center's
indoor space, outdoor space, and the number of toilets and sinks.
(2) A certified child care center may only
care for children in activity areas approved by CCLD.
(3) A certified child care center must have
CCLD approval prior to using a new room, activity area, or outdoor space to
care for children.
(4) A certified
child care center must not exceed its licensed capacity at any time, including
the total number of children in care both at and away from the
(5) A certified child care
center must have a minimum of 35 square feet of activity space per child.
(a) Activity space must be available for use
by children and used exclusively for child care during the hours of
(b) Shelves or storage
for children's materials that are accessible to children may be counted as part
of the indoor space.
(c) Single use
areas such as kitchens, hallways, restrooms, storage areas and closets, rooms
designated for staff use such as offices and break rooms, and space occupied by
furniture not designed for children's use such as work space and cabinets must
be excluded when determining activity space.
(d) Cribs may be considered activity space if
the space underneath the crib is accessible to children.
(6) A certified child care center must
provide an outdoor activity space of no less than 75 square feet for each child
using the space at one time, unless a certified child care center only provides
drop-in care, as defined in 414-305-0100(20).
(7) A certified child care center must
provide indoor toilets and sinks that children can safely and easily access.
Toilets and sinks must be on the same floor of the building where care is
(a) For children ages 24 to 35
months, a certified child care center must provide one child-size toilet or
toilet with training seat for every 10 children, located in or adjacent to the
(A) If the toilet is not located in
or adjacent to the classroom, the center must develop a written plan, approved
by CCLD, to utilize the toilet.
Potty chairs are prohibited.
(b) For children ages 36 months and older, a
certified child care center must provide one toilet for every 15
(c) Urinals may be
substituted for one-half the required number of toilets, if there are at least
two toilets in the center and a toilet in each bathroom with a urinal.
Facilities built specifically as child care centers after July 15, 2001 cannot
substitute urinals for the required number of toilets.
(d) A certified child care center must
provide at least one handwashing sink for every two toilets.
(e) Sinks must be located in the same room or
adjacent to the room where toilets are located.
(f) Handwashing sinks in the food service
area cannot be counted in the required number of sinks.
(g) If toilets or handwashing sinks are of
adult size, a certified child care center must provide easily-cleanable steps
or a broad-based platform with a non-slip surface so that children can use the
toilets and sinks comfortably and without adult assistance.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS