Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 414-305-0710 - Prohibited Discipline and Actions
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
A certified child care center must not use or threaten to use any of the following prohibited actions even if requested or agreed to by parents:
(1) Rough or harsh handling of children or use of corporal punishment in any form, including, but not limited to hitting, spanking, slapping, shaking, swatting, throwing, jerking, pinching, biting, or other measures that produce physical pain;
(2) Bind or restrict a child's movement unless permitted under OAR 414-305-0720, Physical Restraint;
(3) Using unauthorized prescription or non-prescription drugs or chemicals for discipline or to control behavior;
(4) Confining or isolating a child in an enclosed or darkened area (e.g., a locked or closed room, bathroom, closet, or box for punishment);
(5) Withdrawing, denying or forcing food, rest, or toileting;
(6) Forcing or compelling a child to eat or placing soap, food, spices, or foreign substances in the child's mouth;
(7) Exposing a child to extremes of temperature;
(8) Yelling harshly or using profane or abusive language;
(9) Punishing or demeaning a child for toileting accidents or refusing to eat food;
(10) Allowing any form of mental or emotional punishment or verbal abuse, including but not limited to public or private humiliation, name calling, teasing, ridicule, intimidation, making derogatory or sarcastic remarks about a child's family, race, gender, religion, or cultural background, rejecting, frightening, neglecting, or corrupting a child;
(11) Demanding excessive physical exercise, excessive rest, or strenuous postures; or
(12) Requiring a child to remain silent or inactive or removing a child from all activities or the group for excessive periods of time.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 329A.260
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 329A.260