Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 414-305-0130 - Application Process
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) An applicant must submit an original and complete application for a certificate on the forms provided by CCLD:
(2) If an applicant is a corporation, association, or other public or private organization or agency, the application must be signed by the chief executive officer or a person designated in writing to have the authority to sign the application. If an applicant is a partnership, the application must be signed by each partner.
(3) An applicant that is not the owner of the center must identify the owner on the application.
(4) A certified child care center must submit a non-refundable filing fee with the application.
(5) A certified child care center must complete and submit an application to CCLD at least:
(6) An applicant must provide the following items with the application for an initial certificate, change of owner, change of address and when the center indoor floor plan or outdoor areas change:
(7) An application for renewal of a certified child care center certificate may be approved by CCLD upon CCLD's receipt of the following:
(8) The applicant must submit a floor plan to CCLD, the environmental health specialist, the fire code official, and the local building department prior to initial construction, remodel, or change in location. An applicant is responsible for payment of any applicable fees for fire safety and sanitation inspections.
(9) An applicant must pay in full all civil penalties established by final order against the applicant or be compliant with an CCLD approved payment plan before CCLD will process an initial or renewal application.
(10) If CCLD has not approved, issued a notice of intent to deny, or issued a final order by default or after a contested case hearing denying an application within 12 months of the date the application was submitted to CCLD, the application may be closed, subject to the applicant's right to submit a new application at any time. This rule does not apply if:
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 329A.260
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 329A.290, ORS 329A.300, ORS 329A.310 & ORS 329A.400