Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 413-040-0450 - Confidentiality
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Many Department records are exempt from disclosure and are strictly confidential under the public records exemptions or confidentiality status. All medical records are privileged information. AIDS and/or HIV test results are specifically designated highly confidential by statute (ORS 433.045) and Department Health Administrative Rule (333-012-0270(1)-(9)) and must be held in the most strictly observed confidence possible to avoid consequences of casual or inappropriate disclosure of information. Information regarding a client's HIV status is to be maintained in a locked file separate from the case.
(2) In order to provide services to the child and to administer Department's child welfare services, Department staff may inform only those directly involved in case planning and who have a need to know, that a child or an adult who has a significant role in the child's plan, has AIDS or is HIV positive. The identification of who has a need to know in order to adequately meet the needs of the child shall be determined through a staffing which includes the worker, supervisor and Department central office (Personal Care Coordinator) representative, and should include input from the physician, county Health Department who ordered the test, or the HIV Program of the Department's Health Policy cluster.
(3) For children receiving services under a Voluntary Custody Agreement (CF 1005) or a Voluntary Placement Agreement (CF 499), the responsible parent(s) shall always be involved in making medical decisions for the child, and have access to medical information.
(4) Each person who subsequently gains access to this information must keep it in strictest confidence (ORS 433.045(3)). The worker shall advise all persons who have access to the medical information of their duty to safeguard the confidential nature of the information.
(5) If the Department learns from any source that a child is HIV positive, the above procedures must be followed.
(6) Pursuant to Health cluster Rule 333-012-0270, if the Department possesses information that an adult client or other person associated with a case if HIV positive, this does not confer the right to disclose the information, except as permitted by Oregon law.
(7) If disclosure of HIV information is deemed necessary for planning in the context of a court hearing, the worker shall not disclose the status in open court without either the written consent of the infected persons or a court order.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 418.005
Stats. Implemented: ORS 418.005