Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 413-040-0268 - Placement of Children or Young Adults from Other States in Oregon
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) All incoming ICPC requests for a home study and placement of a child or young adult in Oregon must be processed by the Oregon ICPC office.
(2) Young adults. The Oregon ICPC office will accept requests for placement of a young adult unless the young adult is living independently.
(3) Parent home study.
(4) Home study for a non-parent home.
(5) After the study is completed, the local branch office or agency must provide the study to the Oregon ICPC office. The branch office must not provide the study to the party or agency that requested it unless authorized to do so by the Oregon ICPC office. The study must include a recommendation regarding placement.
(6) The Oregon ICPC compact administrator, deputy compact administrator or designee must review the study and will either approve or not approve the placement based on information contained in the home study.
(7) Responsibilities of the Department. When the Department is notified of the child or young adult's placement into Oregon, the Department will notify the supervising agency of the placement and to begin supervision.
(8) Following placement of the child or young adult, supervision by the Oregon local branch office or agency licensed in Oregon includes a monthly contact with the child or young adult and caregiver, as described in OAR 413-080-0055 or 413-215-0466 (6), as applicable.
(9) The supervising agency must submit progress reports at minimum every 90 days to the Oregon ICPC office as requested by the sending state on the form 100A. Each progress report must include all of the following:
(10) The Department will accept any report of abuse of a child or young adult placed in Oregon pursuant to an approved placement under Article III(d) of the ICPC and will act in the same manner as it would to a report of abuse or neglect of any other child or young adult residing in Oregon, pursuant to OAR chapter 413, division 015.
(11) The Department will assess possible placement resources and provide supervision for a placement only after accepting an ICPC request.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 409.050 & ORS 418.005
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 409.010, ORS 417.200-417.260 & ORS 418.005