Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) For
an ICPC request to be valid, it must be reviewed and approved by the Oregon
ICPC Office and a form 100A must be approved by the requesting party and the
compact administrator, deputy compact administrator or designee.
(2) At minimum, the following documentation
is required for the Oregon ICPC office to process an ICPC request for placement
in another state:
(a) A completed form
(b) A copy of the relevant
court order, and if there is none, a statement supporting the sending agency's
authority to place the child and documentation of ongoing
(c) A copy of the
child's case plan or recent social history.
(d) Financial/medical plan for the child's
placement including documentation whether the child is Title IV-E
(3) The ICPC
approval for placement is valid for six months from the date the form 100A is
signed by the appropriate authority in the receiving state.
(4) Requesting an extension. The Oregon ICPC
office may request an extension from the receiving state's ICPC office if the
Oregon ICPC office determines the facts of the case necessitate an
(5) Notifications.
(a) The Oregon ICPC office is responsible for
sending form 100B to the receiving state.
(b) The sending agency or caseworker for the
child who is being placed out of state must notify the Oregon ICPC office of
the placement within five business days of the child being placed.
(6) Receiving state's request to
return a child to Oregon when the sending agency is in Oregon.
(a) If the receiving state determines that
the placement no longer meets the individual needs of the child, the receiving
state may:
(A) Request that Oregon arrange
for the return of the child to Oregon as soon as possible; or
(B) Propose an alternative placement in the
receiving state as provided in Article V(a) of the ICPC.
(b) The Oregon agency must wait for the
receiving state to approve the alternative placement resource before the Oregon
agency places the child.
(c) Return
of the child to Oregon shall occur within five business days from the date of
notice for removal unless otherwise agreed upon between the sending and
receiving state ICPC offices.
(7) Relocations of a family unit. This
section applies to relocations of a family unit within another state and to
relocations of a family unit from one state to another state.
(a) The Oregon sending agency will notify the
Oregon ICPC office of any address change or relocation.
(b) In addition to the materials required in
413-040-0230 (1), the following documentation is required for the Oregon ICPC
office to process the relocation:
(A) For
approved foster or adoptive placements:
(i) If
the sending agency has possession, documentation showing required licensure,
certification, approval or qualifications of the placement
(ii) A copy of the
most recent home study with any updates.
(B) A completed form 100B showing the date
the child is placed in the receiving state.
(c) ICPC is not required for temporary
relocations of 90 days or less. Under a temporary relocation, the sending state
retains responsibility for ensuring the safety of the child, and the receiving
state is not required to supervise the placement.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS