Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 413-040-0016 - Requirements for Review of the Case Plan
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) The case plan is reviewed a minimum of every 90 days. This review must take place in a face-to-face meeting with the parents or guardians, unless excluded under section (3) of this rule. The meeting may include the child at any age if developmentally appropriate, service providers, safety plan participants, substitute caregivers, attorneys, a child or young adult's CASA, persons with significant attachments to the child or young adult, and family members. The meeting must include the child 14 years of age or older or young adult and, at the option of the child or young adult, up to two members of the case planning team who are chosen by the child or young adult as described in OAR 413-040-0010(3)(c).
(2) During the case plan review, the caseworker assesses and determines the progress that has been made in achieving the expected outcomes of the case plan, and, when the child or young adult is in substitute care, the progress toward meeting the conditions of return.
(3) Exceptions to the face-to-face case plan review. If a parent or guardian is not available for the review, the caseworker must document the reason the parent or guardian was unavailable and the efforts that were made to involve the parent or guardian in the review.
(4) During a case plan review, the caseworker must consider input received from the child or young adult, the service providers, safety plan participants, substitute caregivers, attorneys, a child or young adult's CASA, persons with significant attachments to the child or young adult, and family members.
(5) Subsequent to the face-to-face meeting, the caseworker documents all of the following in the Department's information system:
(6) Within 30 days of receiving an expert evaluation requested by the Department, the caseworker must consider revising the case plan to include recommendations that will improve parent or guardian protective capacity related to the identified impending danger safety threats. If the recommendations are not included in the case plan, the rationale must be documented in the Department's information system.
(7) The Child Welfare supervisor must review the caseworker's documentation of the case plan review, and document completion of the review in the Department's information system every 90 days. The supervisor must review, approve, and sign the six-month case plan review submitted for required administrative review.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 409.050, 418.005
Stats. Implemented: ORS 409.010, 418.005