Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 413-310-0360 - Policy
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) In instances of overpayment as defined above, SOSCF will initiate action to recover money inappropriately paid out.
(2) With the first billing notice (see (1)(b) & (c) above) to the service provider that an overpayment is to be repaid, SOSCF will include information on appealing the SOSCF claim for repayment in an Administrative Review by the SOSCF Administrator or designee, as well as a Contested Case Notice informing the provider of rights to a hearing as described in OAR 137-003-0505, failing resolution in the Administrative Review.
(3) The service provider will have 30 days following notice of an overpayment (see (1)(a) above) to request an Administrative Review by the SOSCF Administrator or designee. This Administrative Review will be a required step prior to the provider requesting a contested case hearing described in (4) below.
(4) The service provider will have 30 days following the conclusion of an Administrative Review and issuance of a decision to appeal the finding in a contested case hearing before a hearing officer from the Hearing Officer Panel of the Oregon Employment Department. The proceedings shall be conducted pursuant to OAR 137-003-0501 to 137-003-0700.
(5) A contractor may request an Administrative Review or a hearing before a hearing officer from the Hearing Officer Panel to contest the finding that an overpayment exists for the following reasons:
(6) Upon receipt by SOSCF of a formal request for an Administrative Review or for a hearing as described in (3) and (4) above, any withholding of otherwise appropriate contract payments may be discontinued pending the outcome of the review or hearing.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 418.005
Stats. Implemented: ORS 293.250 - ORS 293.260