Oregon Administrative Rules
Division 900 - BODY PIERCING
Section 331-900-0050 - Standard Body Piercing Supervisor
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) An approved standard body piercing supervisor may supervise one temporary trainee when a procedure is being performed by a temporary trainee. Multiple temporary trainees may observe a piercing procedure.
(2) Supervisors must provide direct supervision to temporary trainees when standard body piercing services are being performed.
(3) An approved standard body piercing supervisor must exercise management, guidance, and control over the activities of the trainee and must exercise professional judgment and be responsible for all matters relative to the standard body piercing.
(4) An approved standard body piercing supervisor must document work done by the temporary trainee on a form prescribed by the Office and maintain training documentation for a minimum of two years following completion of training.
(5) An approved supervisor must notify the Office in writing within five calendar days if a temporary trainee is no longer being supervised, and must provide the number of hours of training completed on a form prescribed by the Office.
(6) Notwithstanding any other disciplinary actions, an approved supervisor's authorization to supervise may be withdrawn by the Office for providing incomplete or inadequate training or falsifying documentation.
(7) An approved supervisor is not required to directly supervise a standard body piercing temporary license holder waiting to take practical examination but is required to be onsite when body piercing services are being performed.
Statutory/Other Authority: 676.615, 690.365 & 690.405
Statutes/Other Implemented: 690.365 & 690.405