Oregon Administrative Rules
Division 81 - Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program
Section 309-081-0010 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
The following definitions apply to OAR 309-081-0000 to OAR 309-081-0110:
(1) "Authority" means the Oregon Health Authority.
(2) "Behavioral health care worker" means any individual who assists or provides direct behavioral health care services to individuals and meets the qualifications provided in OAR 309-081-0020.
(3) "Board" means the Oregon Health Policy Board.
(4) "Community Mental Health Program or CMHP" means the organization of various services for individuals with a mental health diagnosis or addictive disorder operated by or contractually affiliated with a local mental health authority and operated in a specific geographic area of the state under an agreement with the Division pursuant to OAR chapter 309, division 014.
(5) "Communities of color" means members of the following racial or ethnic communities, but not limited to:
(6) "Communities who are underserved" include, but is not limited to, communities of color, Tribal members, LGBTQIA2S+ communities, refugees, immigrants, veterans, persons with disabilities, individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities, individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals incarcerated or incapacitated as a result of contact with the criminal legal system, and rural residents.
(7) "Culturally and linguistically specific behavioral health services (CLSS)" means services that are grounded in the cultural values of minoritized communities to elevate their voices and experiences, with the aim of enhancing emotional safety, belonging, and a shared collective cultural experience for healing and recovery of the community served.
(8) "Direct behavioral health care" means a mental health or addiction service provided directly from a behavioral health care worker to either an individual client/patient or group of clients/patients. This can be in-person or through telehealth and can include, but is not limited to:
(9) "Division" means the Health Systems Division of the Oregon Health Authority, or its designee.
(10) "Frontier" means any county with six or fewer people per square mile.
(11) "Full-Time" means working a minimum of 32 hours per week providing behavioral health services averaged over the month for a minimum of 45 weeks per service year. The Authority may consider patient charting, clinical supervision, case management, and care coordination related to behavioral health a component of behavioral health services. The Authority may also consider telehealth a behavioral health service.
(12) "Medicare" means medical coverage provided under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act.
(13) "Mental Health Professional Shortage Area" is a score developed by the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) in determining priorities for assignment of clinicians. The scores range from 0 to 26 where the higher the score, the greater the priority.
(14) "Part-Time" means working a minimum of 16 hours per week providing direct behavioral health care services averaged over the month for a minimum of 45 weeks per service year. The Authority may consider patient charting, clinical supervision, case management, and care coordination related to behavioral health a component of direct behavioral health care services. The Authority may also consider telehealth a behavioral health service.
(15) "Program" means the Oregon Behavioral Health Workforce Initiative Program.
(16) "Qualified Mental Health Associate or QMHA" has the meaning given that term in OAR 309-019-0125(11).
(17) "Qualified Mental Health Professional or QMHP" has the meaning given that term in OAR 309-019-0125(12).
(18) "Qualifying loan" means one or more government or commercial loans received solely to cover the cost of associates, undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and other educational training programs. The Authority may consider loans for past education not completed if the coursework contributed to their employment in behavioral health. This does not include credit card loans, lines of credit, personal loans, and loans for education or training programs that an individual is currently in school or is in training for.
(19) "Rural" means any geographic areas in Oregon ten or more miles from the centroid of a population center of 40,000 people or more.
(20) "Telehealth" means the provision of health services from a distance using electronic communications.
Statutory/Other Authority: HB 4071 (2022)
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 675.375, ORS 675.705, ORS 675.720, ORS 675.745, ORS 675.785 & ORS 675.825