Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 309-040-0375 - Sanitation
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) The water supply in the home shall meet the requirements of the current Authority rules governing domestic water supplies:
(2) All floors, walls, ceilings, windows, furniture, and equipment shall be kept in good repair, clean, neat, and orderly.
(3) Each bathtub, shower, lavatory, and toilet shall be kept clean, in good repair, and regularly sanitized.
(4) Kitchen sinks may not be used for the disposal of cleaning wastewater.
(5) Soiled linens and clothing shall be stored in an area or container separate from kitchens, dining areas, clean linens, clothing, and food.
(6) All necessary measures shall be taken to prevent rodents and insects from entering the home. Should pests be found in the home, appropriate action shall be taken to eliminate them.
(7) The grounds of the facility shall be kept orderly and reasonably free of litter, unused articles, and refuse.
(8) Garbage and refuse receptacles shall be clean, durable, watertight, insect and rodent proof, and shall be kept covered with tight-fitting lids. All garbage and solid waste shall be disposed of at least weekly and in compliance with the current rules of the Department of Environmental Quality.
(9) All sewage and liquid wastes shall be disposed of in accordance with the Plumbing Code to a municipal sewage system where such facilities are available. If a municipal sewage system is not available, sewage and liquid wastes shall be collected, treated, and disposed of in compliance with the current rules of the Department of Environmental Quality. Sewage lines and septic tanks or other non-municipal sewage disposal systems, where applicable, shall be maintained in good working order.
(10) Biohazard waste shall be disposed of in compliance with the rules of the Department of Environmental Quality.
(11) Precautions shall be taken to prevent the spread of infectious or communicable diseases as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and to minimize or eliminate exposure to known health hazards:
(12) If pets or other household animals exist at the home, sanitation practices shall be implemented to prevent health hazards:
Stat. Auth.: ORS 413.042
Stats. Implemented: ORS 443.705 - 443.825