Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 309-040-0340 - Issuance of a License
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Applicants shall be in substantial compliance with these rules ORS 443.705 through 443.825 before the Division shall issue a license if cited deficiencies are not corrected within time frames specified by the Division, the application may be denied. The license shall include but is not limited to the name of the applicant, name of the AFH, address of the home to which the license applies, the maximum number of individuals, resident manager if applicable, conditions, if applicable, license number, payment received, effective date and expiration date, and the signature of the assistant administrator of the Division. The license shall be visibly posted in the AFH and available for inspection at all times.
(2) The Division may attach conditions to the license that limit, restrict, or specify other criteria for operation of the AFH. Conditions to a license may include but are not limited to care of a specifically identified individual. The conditions shall be posted with the license in the AFH and be available for inspection at all times.
(3) Each provider shall report promptly to the Division any significant changes to information supplied in the application or subsequent correspondence. Changes include but are not limited to changes in the AFH name, owner entity, resident manager, telephone number, or mailing address, and staffing changes if those changes are significant or impact the health, safety, or well-being of individuals.
(4) When an AFH is sold, the prospective new owner shall apply for a license in accordance with OAR 309-040-0315 if the new owner intends to operate an AFH.
(5) An AFH license is not transferable or applicable to any location or individuals other than those specified on the license.
(6) A license is valid for one year from the effective date on the license unless sooner revoked or suspended.
(7) Applicants shall be in substantial compliance with these rules before a license is issued. If cited deficiencies are not corrected within the time frames specified by the Division, the license shall be denied.
(8) The Division may not issue an initial license unless:
(9) The applicant shall demonstrate to the Division the financial ability and resources necessary to operate the AFH. The demonstration of financial ability shall include, but is not be limited to, providing the Division with a list of any unsatisfied judgments, pending litigation and unpaid taxes, and notifying the Division regarding whether the applicant is in bankruptcy. If the applicant is unable to demonstrate the financial ability and resources required in this section, the Division may require the applicant to furnish a financial guarantee as a condition of initial licensure.
(10) If a resident manager leaves during the period of the license, the provider shall notify the Division immediately and identify a plan for providing care to the individuals. The provider shall submit a completed resident manager application on forms supplied by the Division that include a copy of the documentation of criminal history background check and approval in accordance with OAR chapter 943, division 007, a physician statement, and payment of a $10 fee. If the original plan includes changing the resident manager during the license renewal process, the $10 is not applicable.
(11) Upon receipt of the completed resident manager application and Division approval, a revised license may be issued in accordance with ORS 443.738(1) through (4).
(12) Notwithstanding any other provision of ORS 443.735, 443.725, or 443.738, the Division may issue a 60-day provisional license to a qualified individual if the Division determines that an emergency situation exists after being notified that the licensed provider of an AFH is no longer overseeing operation of the AFH.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 413.042
Stats. Implemented: ORS 443.705 - 443.825