Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Providers shall meet the following
requirements for planned transfer:
Decisions to transfer individuals shall be documented in a transfer summary.
The documentation shall include the reason for the transfer;
(b) Planned transfers shall be consistent
with the transfer criteria established by the interdisciplinary team and
documented in the service plan;
Providers may not transfer services unless the interdisciplinary team in
consultation with the child's parent or guardian and the next provider agree
that the child requires a more or less restrictive level of care; and
(d) If the determination is made to admit the
child to acute care, the provider may not transfer services during the acute
care stay unless the interdisciplinary team in consultation with the child's
parent or guardian and the next provider agree that the child requires a more
or less restrictive level of care following the acute care stay.
(2) Prior to transfer providers
(a) Coordinate and provide appropriate
referrals for medical care and medication management. The transferring provider
shall assist the individual to identify the medical provider who provides
continuing care and arrange an initial appointment with that
(b) Coordinate recovery
and ongoing support services for individuals and their families including
identifying resources and facilitating linkage to other service systems
necessary to sustain recovery including peer delivered services;
(c) Complete a transfer summary;
(d) When services are transferred due to the
absence of the individual, the provider shall document outreach efforts made to
re-engage the individual or document the reason why such efforts were not
(e) If the individual is
under the jurisdiction of the PSRB or JPSRB, the provider shall notify the PSRB
or JPSRB immediately and provide a copy of the transfer summary within 30
(f) The provider shall report
all instances of transfer on the mandated state data system; and
(g) At a minimum, the provider's
interdisciplinary team shall:
(A) Integrate
transfer planning into ongoing treatment planning and documentation from the
time of entry and specify the transfer criteria that shall indicate resolution
of the symptoms and behaviors that justified the entry;
(B) Review and, if needed, modify the
transfer criteria in the service plan every 30 days;
(C) Notify the child's parent or guardian and
the provider to which the child shall be transitioned of the anticipated
transfer dates at the time of entry and when the service plan is
(D) Include the parent or
guardian peer support when requested by the parent or guardian and provider to
which the child shall be transitioned in transfer planning and reflect their
needs and desires to the extent clinically indicated;
(E) Finalize the transition plan prior to
transfer and identify in the plan the continuum of services and the type and
frequency of follow-up contacts recommended by the provider to assist in the
child's successful transition to the next appropriate level of care;
(F) Assure that appropriate medical care and
medication management shall be provided to individuals who leave through a
planned transfer. The last service provider's interdisciplinary team shall
identify the medical personnel who provides continuing care and shall arrange
an initial appointment with that provider;
(G) Coordinate appropriate education services
with applicable school district personnel; and
(H) Give a written transition plan to the
child's parent or guardian and the next provider if applicable on the date of
A transfer summary shall include the following:
(a) The date and reason for the
(b) A summary statement
that describes the effectiveness of services in assisting the individual and
their family to achieve intended outcomes identified in the service
(c) Where appropriate, a plan
for personal wellness and resilience, including relapse prevention safety and
suicide prevention planning; and
(d) Identification of resources to assist the
individual and family including peer delivered services, if applicable, in
accessing recovery and resiliency services and supports;
(e) If the transfer is to services with
another provider, all documentation contained in the service record requested
by the receiving provider shall be furnished, compliant with applicable
confidentiality policies and procedures within 14 days of receipt of a written
request for the documentation;
A complete transfer summary shall be sent to the receiving provider within 30
days of the transfer.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS
426.490 -
428.205 -
430.640 & 443.45
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS
161.390 -
413.520 -
426.380 -
426.490 -
430.205 -
430.240 -
430.850 -
443.400 -
443.991 &