Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) In
addition to all applicable statutory and constitutional rights, every
individual receiving services has the right to:
(a) Choose from available services and
supports those that are consistent with the service plan, culturally competent,
provided in the most integrated setting in the community, and under conditions
that are least restrictive to the individual's liberty, least intrusive to the
individual, and provide for the greatest degree of independence;
(b) Be treated with dignity and
(c) Have access to peer
delivered services;
(d) Participate
in the development of a written service plan, receive services consistent with
that plan, and participate in periodic review and reassessment of service and
support needs, assist in the development of the plan, and receive a copy of the
written service plan;
(e) Have all
services explained, including expected outcomes and possible risks;
(f) Confidentiality and the right to consent
disclosure in accordance with ORS
192.515, 192.507, 42 CFR Part 2,
and 45 CFR Part 205.50 ;
(g) Give
informed consent in writing prior to the start of services, except in a medical
emergency or as otherwise permitted by law. Minor children may give informed
consent to services in the following circumstances:
(A) Under age 18 and legally
(B) Age 16 or older and
legally emancipated by the court; or
(C) Age 14 or older for outpatient services
only. For purposes of informed consent, outpatient service does not include
service provided in residential programs or in day or partial hospitalization
(h) Inspect
their service record in accordance with ORS
(i) Refuse participation in
(j) Receive
medication specific to the individual's diagnosed clinical needs, including
medications used to treat opioid dependence;
(k) Receive prior notice of transfer, unless
the circumstances necessitating transfer pose a threat to health and
(l) Be free from abuse or
neglect and can report any incident of abuse or neglect without being subject
to retaliation;
(m) Have religious
(n) Be free from seclusion
and restraint, except as set forth in OAR
(o) Be informed at the start of services and
periodically thereafter of the rights guaranteed by this rule;
(p) Be informed of the policies and
procedures, service agreements, and fees applicable to the services provided
and to have a custodial parent, guardian, or representative assist with
understanding any information presented;
(q) Have family and guardian involvement in
service planning and delivery;
Make a declaration for mental health treatment when legally an adult;
(s) File grievances, including appealing
decisions resulting from the grievance;
(t) Exercise all rights set forth in ORS
109.610 through
109.697 if the individual is a
child, as defined by these rules;
(u) Exercise all rights set forth in ORS
426.385 if the individual is
committed to the Authority; and
Exercise all rights described in this rule without any form of reprisal or
(2) In
addition to the rights set forth in section (1) of this rule, every individual
receiving residential services has the right to:
(a) A safe, secure, and sanitary living
(b) A humane service
environment that affords reasonable protection from harm, reasonable privacy,
and daily access to fresh air and the outdoors;
(c) Keep and use personal clothing and
belongings and have an adequate amount of private, secure storage space.
Reasonable restriction of the time and place of use of certain classes of
property may be implemented if necessary to prevent the individual or others
from harm, provided notice of this restriction is given to individuals and
their families, if applicable, upon entry to the program, documented, and
reviewed periodically;
(d) Express
sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender presentation;
(e) Have access to and participate in social,
religious, and community activities;
(f) Private and uncensored communications by
mail, telephone, and visitation, subject to the following restrictions:
(A) This right may be restricted only if the
provider documents in the individual's record that there is a court order to
the contrary or that in the absence of this restriction, significant physical
or clinical harm may result to the individual or others. The nature of the harm
shall be specified in reasonable detail, and any restriction of the right to
communicate shall be no broader than necessary to prevent this harm;
(B) The individual and their
guardian, if applicable, shall be given specific written notice of each
restriction of the individual's right to private and uncensored communication.
The provider shall ensure that correspondence can be conveniently received and
mailed, that telephones are reasonably accessible and allow for confidential
communication, and that space is available for visits. Reasonable times for the
use of telephones and visits may be established in writing by the
Communicate privately with public or private rights protection programs or
rights advocates, clergy, and legal or medical professionals;
(h) Have access to and receive available and
applicable educational services in the most integrated setting in the
(i) Participate
regularly in indoor and outdoor recreation;
(j) Not be required to perform
(k) Have access to adequate
food and shelter; and
(l) A
reasonable accommodation if due to a disability the housing and services are
not sufficiently accessible.
(3) The provider shall give to the individual
and, if appropriate, the guardian a document that describes the applicable
individual's rights as follows:
Information given to the individual shall be in written form or upon request in
an alternative format or language appropriate to the individual's
(b) Rights and how to
exercise them shall be explained to the individual and if appropriate to their
guardian; and
(c) Individual rights
shall be posted in writing in a common area.
(4) In addition to the rights described in
section (3), applicants and providers of Integrated (IPSR) Programs shall meet
the requirements for Individual Rights specified in OAR
309-018-0115, except that
seclusion and restraint may be administered as set forth in OAR
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS
426.490 -
428.205 -
430.640 &
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS
161.390 -
413.520 -
426.380 -
426.490 -
430.205 -
430.240 -
430.850 -
443.400 -
443.991 &