Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 309-108-0015 - Procedures for Property
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) All personal property that a patient brings into the hospital at the time of admission must be itemized in writing with an accompanying description, regardless of where or how the item is stored or otherwise disposed.
(2) OSH staff shall encourage and assist patients to mark all personal property in such a way which identifies it as an individual patient's possession.
(3) OSH staff shall consult with OSH's Spiritual Care Department regarding religious items that the patient wants to bring into the hospital upon admission. For safety and security reasons, OSH Security shall review the religious items brought by the patient for contraband.
(4) Patient may request religious items from the OSH Spiritual Care Department, which will accommodate the request unless the item is contrary to their treatment plan, is unavailable, cost prohibitive, constitutes contraband, presents a safety or security risk, or otherwise violates applicable OSH policies or rules.
(5) OSH staff shall consult with OSH Native Services or the OSH Diversity liaison regarding cultural items that the patient wants to bring into the hospital upon admission. For safety and security reasons, OSH Security shall review the cultural items brought by the patient for contraband.
(6) Patient may request cultural items, not constituting contraband, from OSH Native Services or the OSH Diversity liaison, which will accommodate the request unless the item is contrary to their treatment plan, is unavailable, cost prohibitive, constitutes contraband, presents a safety or security risk, or otherwise violates applicable OSH policies or rules.
(7) Any medications brought by the patient at the time of admission should be given to the patient's guardian, legal representative, or family member if possible. If this is not possible, the medication shall be placed in the medical waste barrel for later destruction. Any controlled substances shall be destroyed and logged in the pharmacy record.
(8) If OSH identifies a prohibited item in the possession of the patient, in the patient's room or living area, or in their personal/excess property, OSH shall:
(9) If OSH identifies any controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, or weapons in the possession of the patient, in the patient's room or living area, or in their personal/excess property, then OSH shall:
(10) If OSH identifies any drugs not prescribed to the patient, drugs not prescribed or authorized by OSH, or unauthorized currency in the possession of the patient, in the patient's room or living area, or in their personal/excess property, OSH shall:
(11) OSH shall develop written procedures for handling missing personal or excess property. These procedures may include the involvement of law enforcement authorities.
(12) The patient may contest the application of these rules under OSH's grievance and review process in OAR chapter 309, division 118.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 179.040, 413.042 & ORS 179.360
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 179.321 & 426.385