Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 291-200-0060 - PAC Membership Standards, Number, Selection and Terms

Universal Citation: OR Admin Rules 291-200-0060

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024

(1) Prison advisory committee member eligibility, numbers, selection and terms of service shall be determined by each committee and established in the committee's bylaws in accordance with these rules.

(2) Member Eligibility: Any adult individual, residing or working within an affected community, may be a member of a prison advisory committee unless he or she has been convicted of a felony crime in the past five years. Ex-offenders are eligible to serve as members of prison advisory committees if they have been off supervision for a minimum of five years, are nominated and selected and meet all other criteria for membership. Prison advisory committees may adopt additional eligibility requirements consistent with their communities and operational needs.

(3) Voting Member Appointment: The superintendent or designated Department of Corrections representative, in cooperation with either the mayor, county commission chair or sheriff of an affected community(ies), shall appoint the voting members of a prison advisory committee. Consistent with section (4) of this rule, appointments shall be made from among nominations forwarded by local elected officials, organizational leaders, or individual members of the affected community(ies). Also considered for appointment shall be those members of the affected community(ies) who respond to public requests for participation.

(4) Member Composition:

(a) Positions on a prison advisory committee may be filled by individuals from the categories listed below. Local elected officials shall seek representation on prison advisory committees from as many of these groups and interest areas as may be present in the affected community(ies):
(A) Public safety agencies;

(B) Crime victims;

(C) Higher education;

(D) Primary and secondary education;

(E) Health care service providers;

(F) Business community/Chamber of Commerce;

(G) Social services;

(H) Judiciary;

(I) Ministerial association/ religious community;

(J) Civic and community organizations;

(K) Employment and training/economic development;

(L) Housing/ real estate;

(M) Professional services;

(N) Utility providers;

(O) Media; and

(P) Community at large.

(b) At least one-fourth of a prison advisory committee's voting members shall be selected and appointed from the community at large.

(5) Ex-Officio Member Appointment: The superintendent or designated Department of Corrections representative may appoint to the prison advisory committee as ex-officio (non-voting) members local government officials from the affected community(ies), or other persons recommended by local government officials or the prison advisory committee.

(6) Prior to being appointed to serve on a prison advisory committee, an individual shall disclose information to the superintendent or designated Department of Corrections representative concerning those issues that the superintendent or designated Department of Corrections representative determines could impact the orderly and secure operation of a facility or the work of the prison advisory committee. Such information shall include, but not be limited to, an individual's criminal history and his or her relationship(s) with persons who have been or currently are inmates within the Department of Corrections.

(7) Non-Discrimination in Appointment of Members: No person shall be excluded from serving as a member of a prison advisory committee due to affiliation with any organization or institution, or on the basis of race, ethnic origin, religious affiliation, sex, age, or disability.

(8) Members appointed to a prison advisory committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Department of Corrections.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 179.040, ORS 423.020, ORS 423.030 & ORS 423.075

Stats. Implemented: ORS 179.040, ORS 423.020, ORS 423.030 & ORS 423.075

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