Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 250-010-0010 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
As used in OAR Chapter 250, unless otherwise required by context:
(1) "Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Permit" is an authorization issued by the Oregon State Marine Board or through designated agents that certifies payment to the Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Fund.
(2) "Black Waste" means human body wastes including feces, urine, other substances of bodily origin, and toilet paper.
(3) "Board" means the Oregon State Marine Board.
(4) "Boat Livery" means a person, persons, or a business establishment engaged in renting or hiring out boats for profit.
(5) "Eleemosynary" means an organization supported by gifts or charity which is operated primarily as a part of organized activities for the purpose of teaching youth's scout craft, camping, seamanship, self-reliance, patriotism, courage and kindred virtues.
(6) "Float Tube" means a manufactured floating device constructed of canvas, nylon or other similar material encasing an inner tube capable of supporting one person sitting inside with their legs dangling below the vessel, used as a means of transportation on the water. Single float tubes are boats as defined in ORS 830.005(2) and if powered by machinery, single float tubes are motorboats as defined in ORS 830.005(5) and subject to numbering according to OAR 250-010-0040.
(7) "Kiteboard" means a vessel with no freeboard that is propelled by a sail or sail-like device that is not attached to the vessel but held and manipulated by the operator. These vessels include those common for kiteboarding, wingfoiling, and kitefoiling.
(8) "Nonmotorized boat" means any watercraft as defined in ORS 830.005(2), but not a motorboat as defined in 830.005(6).
(9) "Operator" means the person who operates or who has charge of the navigation or use of a boat.
(10) "Person" means an individual, partnership, firm, corporation, association, or other entity.
(11) "Person on Board" means every person being carried on board or being towed by a vessel.
(12) "Portable Toilet" means all types of portable containers, hand carried potties, buckets or similar devices used to collect black waste into a small receptacle.
(13) "Propel" means but is not limited to floating, rowing, paddling, sailing or otherwise operating a boat (as defined in ORS 830.005), a vessel or ship.
(14) "Sailboard" means a sail propelled vessel with no freeboard and equipped with a swivel mounted mast not secured to a hull by guys or stays.
(15) "Sewage" means water-carried human and animal wastes and may include but is not solely kitchen, bath, and laundry wastes from residences, buildings, boats or other places.
(16) "Ship's Lifeboats" means lifeboats used solely for lifesaving purposes and does not include dinghies, tenders, speedboats, or other types of craft carried aboard a vessel and used for other than lifesaving purposes.
(17) "Slow-No Wake" means operating a boat at the slowest speed necessary to maintain steerage and that reduces or eliminates waves that appear as white water behind the boat.
(18) "Throwable Personal Flotation Device (PFD)" means a PFD that is intended to be thrown to a person in the water. A PFD marked as Type IV or Type V with Type IV performance is considered a throwable PFD; unless specifically marked, a wearable PFD is not a throwable PFD.
(19) "Type I Marine Sanitation Device" means a device installed on board a boat that is designed to receive, retain, treat, or discharge sewage or black waste, which produces an effluent having a fecal coliform bacteria count not greater than 1,000 per 100 ml and no visible floating solids.
(20) "Type II Marine Sanitation Device" means a device installed on board a boat that is designed to receive, retain, treat, or discharge sewage or black waste, which produces an effluent having a fecal coliform bacteria count not greater than 200 per 100 ml and suspended solids not greater than 150 mg/L.
(21) "Type III Marine Sanitation Device" means a device installed on board a boat that is designed to receive, retain, treat, or discharge sewage or black waste, which is designed to prevent the overboard discharge of treated or untreated sewage or any waste derived from sewage. These include but are not limited to a holding tank with a means of pumping the sewage into a land-based Oregon Department of Environmental Quality approved wastewater treatment system.
(22) "Undocumented Vessel" means any vessel which is not required to have, or does not have, a valid marine document issued by the U.S. Coast Guard.
(23) "Underway" means when a boat is not at anchor, or moored, or made fast to the shore, or aground.
(24) "Wakeboarding" means the activity of towing a person who is attached with two foot bindings on equipment similar to a short surfboard or snowboard. Equipment used in this activity may include but is not limited to wake boards.
(25) "Wake surfing" means the activity of propelling a person, on equipment similar to a surfboard, forward with a boat's wake. The person may be holding a rope or free riding. Equipment used in this activity may include but is not limited to wake surf boards, wake boards, stand up paddleboards, and hydrofoils.
(26) "Waterway Access Permit" is an authorization issued by the Oregon State Marine Board or through designated agents that certifies payment to the Waterway Access Fund.
(27) "Wearable Personal Flotation Device (PFD)" means a PFD that is intended to be worn or otherwise attached to the body. A PFD marked as Type I, Type II, Type III, or Type V with Type (I, II, or III) performance is considered a wearable PFD.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 830.110
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 830.110