Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
Conduct of Seconds: The conduct and activities of seconds shall
comply with instructions and standards of the Commission.
(2) A licensed manager of an unarmed combat
sports competitor may act as a second to an unarmed combat sports competitor
without obtaining a license as a second.
(3) All materials utilized by a second,
applied to or into the body of a competitor between rounds shall be approved in
advance by the Commission. A non-approved substance shall not be applied to or
allowed into the body of a competitor between rounds.
(a) Only assigned medical personnel, or a
person licensed as a second for a professional unarmed combat sports competitor
may apply medications to cuts as approved within these rules.
(b) If, during a round, a second decides to
stop a competition by corner submission, the second shall do so by stepping
onto the apron of the ring. A second shall not throw a towel or any other
object into the ring. If there is no apron, a second should notify the
inspector assigned to the corner to ring the bell, sound the horn or gain the
attention of the referee to stop the bout.
(c) A second shall not excessively coach an
unarmed combat sports competitor during a round, interfere with or otherwise
disrupt a bout.
(d) A second shall
not coach their competitor during a medical or administrative stop to a
(e) No excessive or undue
spraying or throwing of water on any competitor between rounds is permitted.
Before leaving the ring, seconds must wipe all spilled water from the
(f) During the progress of
any round, seconds shall remain seated and shall not engage in disruptive
behavior, including but not limited to clapping, grabbing the ropes or fence or
using foul language.
(g) No second
shall enter the ring between rounds and assist a competitor back to the corner
unless the bout has been terminated by the referee.
(h) No professional competitor may have more
than three (3) seconds except in a world title competition or for a special
event in which an authorized representative of the superintendent may authorize
four (4) seconds.
(i) No amateur
competitor may have more than two (2) seconds except in a world title
competition or for a special event in which an authorized representative of the
superintendent may authorize Three (3) seconds.
(j) Seconds shall leave the ring enclosure at
the sound of the timekeeper's signal, or at the instruction of the
(k) Seconds shall remove
all obstructions, including stools, buckets, and all equipment, promptly at the
signal for the beginning of each round. None of these articles shall be placed
on the ring floor until the bell or air horn has sounded the end of a
(l) One (1) second is
allowed in the ring between rounds and only two (2) seconds are allowed on the
(m) For contests held in a
cage, two (2) seconds are allowed in the cage between rounds and the others are
allowed on the apron.
(n) Handheld
fans may be used by a second between rounds, but waving or swinging of towels
is prohibited.
Between Round Care: The following are the only substances and
materials allowed to be taken into a ring by a second during a bout. All
substances and materials must be inspected and approved by assigned inspectors:
(b) Ice (must not be loose);
(h) Adrenalin 1:1000, Avitene or Thrombin;
(coagulants shall not be used in amateur unarmed combat sports)
(j) Medical Diachylon tape;