Oregon Administrative Rules
Division 99 - KENO
Section 177-099-0105 - Bulls-Eye Option
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) General: The Bulls-Eye option adds an additional way to play Keno and Special Keno. Bulls-Eye has its own prize structure and awards a prize for matching the Bulls-Eye number in a drawing. Section (3) of this rule specifies the prizes available for matching the Bulls-Eye number. When the Bulls-Eye option is designated on a ticket, the Bulls-Eye prize is in addition to the Keno prizes described in OAR 177-099-0080, the Special Keno prizes described in OAR 177-099-0090, and the Keno Jackpot Bonus prizes described in OAR 177-099-0100.
(2) Selection of Option: As described in OAR 177-099-0030, to be eligible for a Bulls-Eye prize, a player must purchase the Bulls-Eye option on any Keno or Special Keno ticket. If the player does not select the Bulls-Eye option when purchasing a ticket, the ticket is not played under the Bulls-Eye option and the ticket is not eligible to win a Bulls-Eye prize.
(3) Prize Structure: The Bulls-Eye prize for each drawing is determined and awarded when any of the player's selected Keno or Special Keno numbers in a game play on a player's ticket match the Bulls-Eye number selected randomly in the drawing for that game play. Bulls-Eye prizes are determined separately for each prize category. Bulls-Eye prizes per each dollar wagered, based upon potential sales of $8,911,711.18 per drawing, are as follows: [ED. NOTE: Tables referenced are available from the agency.]
(4) Amount Wagered: Bulls-Eye prizes will multiply according to the amount played per drawing. The highest potential Bulls-Eye prize is $1,000,000 per drawing. If a ticket shows a wager of 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, or 20 dollars per drawing on a winning game play, the prize shown above for a $1 wager shall multiply, up to $1,000,000, according to the wager amount shown on the winning ticket.
(5) Lump Sum Payment: A prize-winning player is paid in one lump sum for all prizes.
(6) Limitation of $1,000,000 Bulls-Eye Prizes: When the total amount of Bulls-Eye prizes won for the 10/10, 9/10, 9/9, 8/8, and the 7/7 prize categories in the same game play in a single drawing reaches or exceeds $1,000,000 in the same prize category, the Bulls-Eye maximum prize amount of $1,000,000 becomes pari-mutuel and the Bulls-Eye prize shall be divided among the number of winning tickets for that game play on a pro-rata basis determined by the amount that each winning ticket played in the drawing in which the prize was won.
(7) Breakage: If there are multiple winners in a single drawing such that the Bulls-Eye prize cannot be divided among the winners to a whole cent, the prize payments may be rounded down so that the prize may be divided and paid to the nearest whole cent to each winner. Breakage from rounding the prize shall be treated as an unclaimed prize by the Lottery.
(8) Highest Single Prize: For each drawing, a player may receive (subject to the validation requirements set forth in OAR 177-099-0060) only the highest single Bulls-Eye prize for which a ticket containing a winning game play is eligible.
(9) Claiming Prizes: Bulls-Eye prize payments must be claimed, and are made, in accordance with the provisions of OAR 177-070-0025.
Tables referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: OR Const. Art. XV, Sec. 4(4) & ORS 461
Stats. Implemented: ORS 461.210- 461.250