Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 167-050-0150 - Preliminary Fitness Determination
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) The Secretary of State may conduct a preliminary fitness determination if the Secretary of State is interested in hiring or appointing a subject individual on a preliminary basis, pending a final fitness determination.
(2) If the Secretary of State elects to make a preliminary fitness determination about a subject individual, pending a final fitness determination, the Secretary of State shall make that determination of the basis of any information disclosed by the subject individual and on an Oregon Criminal Records Check.
(3) The Secretary of State shall approve a subject individual as fit on a preliminary basis if the Secretary of State has no reason to believe that the subject individual has made a false statement and the information available to the Secretary of State does not disclose that the subject individual:
(4) If the information available to the Secretary of State discloses one or more of the circumstances identified in subsection (3), the Secretary of State may nonetheless approve a subject individual as fit on a preliminary basis if the Secretary of State concludes, after evaluating all available information, that hiring or appointing the subject individual on a preliminary basis does not pose any risk of harm to the Secretary of State, its client entities, the State, or members of the public.
(5) If a subject individual is either approved or denied on the basis of a preliminary fitness determination, the Secretary of State thereafter shall conduct a fitness determination under OAR 167-050-0170.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 181.534 & 177.075
Stats. Implemented: ORS 181.534(9)