Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 137-082-0210 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) "Advisory Council on Child Abuse Assessment", referred to hereafter as "the Council", is a legislatively authorized council (ORS 418.784) of at least nine members appointed by the Attorney General or Attorney General's designee to advise the Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Account Administrator. For the purpose of these rules, Child Abuse Advocacy Centers is referred to as "Child Abuse Intervention Centers". The Council collaborates with the Administrator of the CAMI Account on the disbursement of moneys to establish and maintain community or regional child abuse intervention centers and advises the CAMI Administrator on the disbursement of monies to the multidisciplinary teams.
(2) "Advocacy Services" means those services that reduce additional trauma to the child victims and their families in addition to services that reduce the trauma for the child victim and support the identification and development of therapeutic services.
(3) "Applicant," as used in OAR 137-082-0200 et seq., means the county and the public and private agencies recommended by a county's multidisciplinary child abuse team to provide services in accordance with the county's coordinated child abuse multidisciplinary intervention plan.
(4) "Assessment Services" means a medical assessment, intervention service or psycho-social assessment of children suspected of being victims of abuse and neglect.
(5) "Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Account", referred to hereafter as the "CAMI Account". The CAMI Account holds funds appropriated by the Legislative Assembly to the Oregon Department of Justice. The funds are to be disbursed to counties, for the counties' funding of "multidisciplinary child abuse teams" formed under ORS 418.784, and to public and private agencies recommended by a county's multidisciplinary child abuse team to provide services in accordance with the county's coordinated child abuse multidisciplinary intervention plan.
(6) "Conditional Eligibility" is the conditional approval of the program proposed by the applicant for carrying out the county's coordinated child abuse multidisciplinary intervention plan.
(7) The coordinated child abuse multidisciplinary intervention plan, set forth at ORS 418.746(5) and referred to hereafter as "the Plan", sets forth all sources of funding, other than moneys that may be distributed from the child abuse multidisciplinary intervention account, and including in-kind contributions that are available for the intervention plan; describes how the Plan provides for comprehensive services to the victims of child abuse, including assessment, advocacy and treatment; and includes the county's written protocol and agreements required by 418.747(2).
(8) "County Multidisciplinary Child Abuse Team", referred to hereafter as the "MDT" or "Team", is a county investigative and assessment team for child abuse. Pursuant to ORS 418.747(1), the Team must include, but is not limited to, law enforcement personnel, child protective services workers, district attorneys, school officials, health department staff and personnel from the courts.
(9) "The Department" is the Oregon Department of Justice.
(10) "Eligible Expenses" means personnel costs for staff, interviewers, interpreters, and expert witnesses; services and supplies, rent, capital purchases, and other operational expenses related to providing assessment, advocacy, or treatment services. The county with whom the Department contracts may request 5% of the county CAMI Account funds for administration. This must have the approval of the county multidisciplinary team and be included in the Plan.
(11) "Grantee" means an Applicant whose grant application has resulted in as received a grant award, which is reflected in a "Grant Agreement".
(12) Ineligibility Determination - is a finding by the Account Administrator that a county is ineligible to receive funding from CAMI.
(13) Intervention Advocacy - activities identified at the local and state level to provide more effective intervention for victims of abuse and neglect.
(14) Intervention Services - services provided by criminal justice or child protective services staff to effectively intervene in cases of suspected child abuse.
(15) Medical Assessment as defined in ORS 418.782(2) - the medical assessment is an assessment by or under the direction of a physician who is licensed to practice medicine in Oregon and trained in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of child abuse. The medical assessment must include a thorough medical history, a complete physical examination, an interview for the purpose of making a medical diagnosis, determination of whether or not the child has been abused, and identification of the appropriate treatment or referral for follow-up for the child.
(16) Prevention Advocacy - activities associated with local and state fatality review processes and/or subsequent prevention strategies to reduce abuse, neglect or fatalities.
(17) Professional Training and Education - support for professional training and educational resources such as a clearinghouse, speaker's bureau, or library; ongoing training and education for professionals involved in child abuse and neglect intervention.
(18) Protective Services - activities that are required to protect the child, prevent future abuse, and support the healing process associated with the abuse related trauma.
(19) Psycho-Social Assessment - evaluates the child's and the family's needs for services and the availability of resources to meet those needs.
(20) "Treatment" means those services that provide for the medical and psychological needs of the victim or the victim's family members. For the purposes of this rule, treatment is intended to refer to short-term, crisis-oriented treatment.
(21) "Treatment Services" means information, referral, and therapeutic interventions for child abuse victims and their families.
Stat. Auth.: OL 1993, Ch. 676 & OL 2001, Ch. 624
Stats. Implemented: ORS 418.746 - 418.794