Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 137-004-0800 - Public Records Personal Safety Exemption
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) An individual may request that a public body not disclose the information in a specified public record that indicates the home address, personal telephone number or personal electronic mail address of the individual. If the individual demonstrates to the satisfaction of the public body that the personal safety of the individual or the personal safety of a family member residing with the individual is in danger if the home address, personal telephone number or personal electronic mail address remains available for public inspection, the public body may not disclose that information from the specified public record, except in compliance with a court order, to a law enforcement agency at the request of the law enforcement agency, or with the consent of the individual.
(2) A request under subsection (1) of this rule shall be submitted to the custodian of public records for the public record that is the subject of the request. The request shall be in writing, signed by the requestor, and shall include:
(3) A public body receiving a request under this rule promptly shall review the request and notify the requestor, in writing, whether the evidence submitted is sufficient to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the public body that the personal safety of the requestor or of a family member residing with the requestor would be in danger if the home address, personal telephone number or personal electronic mail address remains available for public inspection. The public body may request that the requestor submit additional information concerning the request.
(4) If a public body grants the request for exemption with respect to records other than a voter registration record, the public body shall include a statement in its notice to the requestor that:
(5) A person who has requested that a public body not disclose his or her home address, personal telephone number or personal electronic mail address may revoke the request by notifying, in writing, the public body to which the request was made that disclosure no longer constitutes a danger to personal safety. The notification shall be signed by the person who submitted the original request for nondisclosure of the home address, personal telephone number or personal electronic mail address.
(6) This rule does not apply to county property and lien records.
(7) As used in this rule:
Stat. Auth.: ORS 192.445
Stats. Implemented: ORS 192.445