Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 137-003-0665 - Final Orders in Contested Cases
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Final orders in contested cases shall be in writing.
(2) Except as provided in section (5) of this rule, all final orders in contested cases shall include the following:
(3) If the agency modifies the proposed order issued by the administrative law judge in any substantial manner, the agency must identify the modification and explain to the parties why the agency made the modification. For purposes of this provision, an agency modifies a proposed order in a "substantial manner" when the effect of the modification is to change the outcome or the basis for the order or to change a finding of fact.
(4) The agency may modify a finding of historical fact made by the administrative law judge only if the agency determines that there is clear and convincing evidence in the record that the finding made by the administrative law judge was wrong. For purposes of this provision, an administrative law judge makes a finding of historical fact if the administrative law judge determines that an event did or did not occur in the past or that a circumstance or status did or did not exist either before the hearing or at the time of the hearing.
(5) When informal disposition of a contested case is made by stipulation, agreed settlement or consent order as provided in OAR 137-003-0510(4), the final order need not comply with section (2) of this rule. However, the order must state the agency action and:
(6) The final order shall be served on each party and, if the party is represented, on the party's attorney.
(7) The date of service of the final order on the parties or, if a party is represented, on the party's attorney shall be specified in writing and be part of or be attached to the order on file with the agency, unless service of the final order is not required by statute.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 183.341
Stats. Implemented: ORS 183.341, 183.417(3), 183.470, 183.630, 183.650(3) & Or Laws 2009, ch 866, ¦ 7