Oregon Administrative Rules
Division 10 - Providing Broadband Services and Operations to Non-State Entities
Section 128-010-0030 - Service Request by a Non-State Entity
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) A Non-State Entity or group of Non-State Entities may, at any time, submit a Service Request to the Office.
(2) The Service Request must include the following information:
(3) Upon receipt of a Service Request, the Office will post the Service Request and notify Telecommunications Providers and other interested parties as provided in Section 15(1)(e) of these Division 10 rules. The notice will identify the Non-State Entity submitting the Service Request, and the Site at which the Non-State Entity is requesting Broadband services and operations. Telecommunications Providers and other interested parties that receive the notice of a Service Request are not prohibited from contacting the Non-State Entity that submitted the Service Request, or from contacting the Office regarding the Service Request.
(4) Telecommunications Providers or other interested parties shall have ten (10) calendar days from the date of the notice to submit an initial response relevant to the question of whether the Site described in the Service Request is an eligible Site because it is in an Unserved area. The Office will notify the requestor, the Telecommunications Provider and other interested persons of any such responses and will conduct an initial review. In conducting such review, the Office may solicit additional information from, or consider information provided by, the requestor, any Telecommunications Provider or other interested person, and any other source that the Office determines is relevant to the determination of whether the Site for which the requestor desires Broadband services is in an Unserved area in accordance with these rules.
(5) If the Office determines that the requesting entity is not an eligible Non-State Entity or that the site is not an eligible Site, then the Office shall notify the requesting entity that the Office cannot provide the requested Broadband services.
(6) If the Office elects to proceed, the Office will conduct a network feasibility analysis for purposes of determining if the Office wishes to and is able to provide the requested Broadband services and operations. The analysis will include, without limitation, review of the following:
(7) Based upon its analysis, the Office will determine whether it wishes to or is able to provide the Broadband services and operations.
(8) If the Office determines that it does not wish to or is unable to provide the requested Broadband services and operations, the Office will notify the requestor that the Office will not seek to fulfill the Service Request.
(9) If the Office does wish to seek to provide the Broadband services and operations that are the subject of a Service Request submitted to the Office by a Non-State Entity, the Office will provide a proposed plan that:
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 276A
Statutes/Other Implemented: Or Laws 2018, ch 51 (HB 4023)