Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 90 - Council of Bond Oversight
Title 90 was previously assigned to the Oklahoma Executive and Legislative Bond Oversight Commissions. However, on 9-24-02, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that the Oklahoma Legislative Bond Oversight Commission violated the separation of powers doctrine of the Oklahoma Constitution, "caus[ing] . . . the powers, duties, and responsibilities of the [Commissions] to devolve upon the Council of Bond Oversight." [See 2002 OK 74, 64 P.3d 546, Case No. 97419 (Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma, 9-24-02] Pursuant to 62 O.S., Section 695.11A, "in the event either of the [Commissions] is found unconstitutional by a . . . court of competent jurisdiction, all powers, duties and responsibilities of the Commissions shall devolve upon the Council of Bond Oversight, and previous joint or individual actions, approvals or disapprovals of the Executive and Legislative Bond Oversight Commissions are hereby confirmed, ratified, validated and deemed incontestable."