Current through Vol. 42, No. 7, December 16, 2024
(a) An approvable site-specific aquifer
storage and recovery plan shall include, at a minimum:
(1) a report containing hydro geologic
properties of the project area, including;
(A) description of the aquifer selected for
storage, including its areal extent, any associated confining or semi-confining
layer(s), and any other aquifer(s) present in the area of hydrologic
(B) description of the
lithology, soil types, geochemistry, and well logs including but not limited to
geologic and/or drillers' logs;
location of surface water bodies including but not limited to springs, creeks,
ponds, rivers, and lakes within the area of hydrologic effect;
(D) groundwater information in the area of
hydro-logic effect including;
(i) elevation
of groundwater;
(ii) location of
water rights and groundwater wells, including total depth, within the area of
hy-drologic effect;
groundwater flow direction and hydraulic gradient determined by a sufficient
number of wells in the same water bearing zone developed according to the
aquifer conditions;
(iv) assessment
of previous hydrologic data;
(E) site-specific aquifer characteristics
(i) storage capacity of the
aquifer (storage coefficient for confined aquifers and specific yield for
unconfined aquifers);
hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and porosity;
(iii) aquifer thickness and saturated
(iv) if applicable,
perched groundwater conditions;
estimated annual recharge in inches per year;
(2) a site monitoring plan for the aquifer
storage and recovery system shall include, at a minimum:
(A) sufficient number of monitoring wells
dependent upon aquifer type, including a minimum of three (3) monitoring in the
same water bearing zone to determine if any changes to groundwater flow
direction and gradient have occurred;
number, location, and design of monitoring wells; extraction wells can be used
as monitoring wells;
(ii) at least
one monitoring well must be located down-gradient of the flow path through the
water delivery mechanism;
(B) proposed method to demonstrate proportion
of source water present at recovery;
(C) effects of the operation on groundwater
elevation, aquifer leakage rates, and groundwater discharge rates;
(D) the frequency of reporting shall be a
maximum of one year unless otherwise determined by the Board;
(E) methods to monitor impacts of ASR
operation on nearby surface water features.
(3) impact area of proposed aquifer storage
and recovery plan;
(4) anticipated
effects on any hydrologic feature within the area of hydrologic
(5) source of water to be
used in ASR and estimated annual volumes available;
(6) description of the method for determining
the amount of source water available at the proposed recovery site;
(7) accounting for changes in volume and
quality of stored water;
current and proposed land use within the ASR area of hydrologic
(9) plan for well spacing
that demonstrates that the storage and recovery of water shall not interfere
with any domestic or permitted groundwater use in the basin. Unless otherwise
determined by the Board, minimum spacing requirements shall be:
(A) Within bedrock groundwater basins, no new
or proposed well(s), excluding observation and monitoring wells, shall be
drilled and completed within one thousand three hundred twenty feet (1320') of
an authorized existing well or proposed well location on lands of
(B) Within alluvium and
terrace groundwater basins, no new or proposed well(s) shall be drilled and
completed within six hundred sixty feet (660') of an authorized existing well
or proposed well location on lands of another.
(C) These well spacing provisions shall not
be applicable to plugged or abandoned wells.
(b) The delivery of stored water and the
recovery of such water must occur within the same subsurface watershed unless
otherwise determined by the Board.
(c) The proposed site-specific aquifer
storage and recovery plan shall be reviewed and approved by Board staff prior
to the ASR permit application being submitted to the Board for approval.
Corrections, changes, or amendments to site-specific ASR plan. If the
site-specific ASR plan is found defective, the board shall advise the applicant
of the corrections, changes, or amendments required and the applicant shall be
allowed to re-file within sixty (60) days from the date of notification of
deficiency. If the site-specific ASR plan is not corrected, Adopted, or changed
within the time required, the board may inactivate the application.
(d) Final approvable site-specific aquifer
storage and recovery plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Board as part
of the ASR permit application.