Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 748 - Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission
Chapter 20 - Adopted Codes
Subchapter 6 - IRC®2018
Section 748:20-6-11 - IRC[®] 2018 Chapter 6 Wall Construction

Universal Citation: OK Admin Code 748:20-6-11

Current through Vol. 42, No. 7, December 16, 2024

Chapter 6 of the IRC® 2018 is adopted with the following modifications:

(1) Table R602.3(1) Fastening schedule. This table has been amended to add a new footnote "k" to the table that is applicable to row 16 of the table. The table has 46 rows, 39 of the rows have four columns per row and seven (7) rows have one merged column that break the table out into categories between certain rows as described below:

(A) Row 1 contains the column headers for the table and are listed below:
(i) Row 1, column 1 is entitled "ITEM."

(ii) Row 1, column 2 is entitled "DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING ELEMENTS."

(iii) Row 1, column 3 is entitled "NUMBER AND TYPE OF FASTENER" with the superscript letters "a," "b," and "c" following the word "FASTENER" to indicate footnotes "a," "b," and "c" are applicable.

(iv) Row 1, column 4 is entitled "SPACING AND LOCATION."

(B) Row 2 only has one column and is entitled "Roof."

(C) Row 3, column 1 lists a "1." No changes have been made to this row.

(D) Row 4, column 1 lists a "2." No changes have been made to this row.

(E) Row 5, column 1 lists a "3." No changes have been made to this row.

(F) Row 6, column 1 lists a "4." No changes have been made to this row.

(G) Row 7, column 1 lists a "5." No changes have been made to this row.

(H) Row 8, column 1 lists a "6." No changes have been made to this row.

(I) Row 9, column 1 lists a "7." No changes have been made to this row.

(J) Row 10 only has one column and is entitled "Wall."

(K) Row 11, column 1 lists an "8." No changes have been made to this row.

(L) Row 12, column 1 lists a "9." No changes have been made to this row.

(M) Row 13, column 1 lists a "10." No changes have been made to this row.

(N) Row 14, column 1 lists an "11." No changes have been made to this row.

(O) Row 15, column 1 lists a "12." No changes have been made to this row.

(P) Row 16, column 1 lists a "13." No changes have been made to this row.

(Q) Row 17, column 1 lists a "14." No changes have been made to this row.

(R) Row 18, column 1 lists a "15." No changes have been made to this row.

(S) Row 19, column 1 lists a "16." A new footnote "k" has been added to the table and is specific to this row. The row has two sub-rows and is described below.
(i) Row 19, column 2 lists "Top or bottom plate to stud" and has a superscript "k" after the word "stud" to indicate the newly added footnote "k" is applicable.

(ii) Row 19, column 3 has two sub-rows. No changes have been made to either sub- row in the column.

(iii) Row 19, column 4 has two sub-rows. No changes have been made to either sub- row in the column.

(T) Row 20, column 1 lists a "17." No changes have been made to this row.

(U) Row 21, column 1 lists a "18." No changes have been made to this row.

(V) Row 22, column 1 lists a "19." No changes have been made to this row.

(W) Row 23, column 1 lists a "20." No changes have been made to this row.

(X) Row 24 has only one column and is entitled "Floor."

(Y) Row 25, column 1 lists a "21." No changes have been made to this row.

(Z) Row 26, column 1 lists a "22." No changes have been made to this row.

(AA) Row 27, column 1 lists a "23." No changes have been made to this row.

(BB) Row 28, column 1 lists a "24." No changes have been made to this row.

(CC) Row 29, column 1 lists a "25." No changes have been made to this row.

(DD) Row 30, column 1 lists a "26." No changes have been made to this row.

(EE) Row 31, column 1 lists a "27." No changes have been made to this row.

(FF) Row 32, column 1 lists a "28." No changes have been made to this row.

(GG) Row 33, column 1 lists a "29." No changes have been made to this row.

(HH) Row 34 has only one column and is entitled "Wood structural panels, subfloor, roof and interior wall sheathing to framing and particleboard wall sheathing to framing (see Table R602.3(3) for wood structural panel exterior wall sheathing to wall framing)."

(II) Row 35, column 1 lists a "30." No changes have been made to this row.

(JJ) Row 36, column 1 lists a "31." No changes have been made to this row.

(KK) Row 37, column 1 lists a "32." No changes have been made to this row.

(LL) Row 38 has only one column and is entitled "Other wall sheathing" with a superscript "g" to show that footnote "g" is applicable.

(MM) Row 39, column 1 lists a "33." No changes have been made to this row.

(NN) Row 40, column 1 lists a "34." No changes have been made to this row.

(OO) Row 41, column 1 lists a "35." No changes have been made to this row.

(PP) Row 42, column 1 lists a "36." No changes have been made to this row.

(QQ) Row 43 has only one column and is entitled "Wood structural panels, combination subfloor underlayment to framing."

(RR) Row 44, column 1 lists a "37." No changes have been made to this row.

(SS) Row 45, column 1 lists a "38." No changes have been made to this row.

(TT) Row 46, column lists a "39." No changes have been made to this row.

(UU) Under the table, the following wording is listed "For SI: 1 inch equals 25.4 mm, 1 foot equals 304.8 mm, 1 mile per hour equals 0.447 m divided by s, 1 ksi equals 6.895 MPa."

(VV) There are eleven (11) footnotes, including the newly added footnote "k," that follow the table and are listed below:
(i) Footnote "a" reads: "Nails are smooth-common, box or deformed shanks except where otherwise stated. Nails used for framing and sheathing connections shall have minimum average bending yield strengths as shown: 80 ksi for shank diameter of 0.192 inch (20d common nail), 90 ksi for shank diameters larger than 0.142 inch but not larger than 0.177 inch, and 100 ksi for shank diameters of 0.142 inch or less."

(ii) Footnote "b" reads: "Staples are 16 gage wire and have a minimum 7/16 -inch on diameter crown width."

(iii) Footnote "c" reads: "Nails shall be spaced not more than 6 inches on center at all supports where spans are 48 inches or greater."

(iv) Footnote "d" reads: "Four-foot by 8-foot or 4-foot by 9-foot panels shall be applied vertically."

(v) Footnote "e" reads: "Spacing of fasteners not included in this table shall be based on Table R602.3(2)."

(vi) Footnote "f" reads: "For wood structural panel roof sheathing attached to gable end roof framing and to intermediate supports within 48 inches of roof edges and ridges, nails shall be spaced at 6 inches on center where the ultimate design wind speed is less than 130 mph and shall be spaced 4 inches on center where the ultimate design wind speed is 130 mph or greater but less than 140 mph."

(vii) Footnote "g" reads: "Gypsum sheathing shall conform to ASTM C1396 and shall be installed in accordance with GA 253. Fiberboard sheathing shall conform to ASTM C208."

(viii) Footnote "h" reads: "Spacing of fasteners on floor sheathing panel edges applies to panel edges supported by framing members and required blocking and at floor perimeters only. Spacing of fasteners on roof sheathing panel edges applies to panel edges supported by framing members and required blocking. Blocking of roof or floor sheathing panel edges perpendicular to the framing members need not be provided except as required by other provisions of this code. Floor perimeter shall be supported by framing members or solid blocking."

(ix) Footnote "i" reads: "Where a rafter is fastened to an adjacent parallel ceiling joist in accordance with this schedule, provide two toe nails on one side of the rafter and toe nails from the ceiling joists to top plate in accordance with this schedule. The toe nail on the opposite side of the rafter shall not be required."

(x) Footnote "j" reads: "RSRS-01 is a Roof Sheathing Shank nail meting the specifications in ASTM F1667."

(xi) The newly added footnote "k" reads: "When 7/16 inch structural sheathing is used with a minimum nailing spacing of 6 inches (152 mm) on the edge and 12 inches (305 mm) in the field, two- 3 inch x 0.131 inch nails are acceptable for end nail conditions for the top and bottom plate to stud connection."

(2) Table R602.3(3) Requirements for wood structural panel wall sheathing used to resist wind pressures with a superscript letters "a, b, and c" to indicate associated footnotes. This table has been modified to add footnote "d" to the table heading to allow for alternative fasteners when certain criteria is met. No changes to the table itself have been made. The table title has been modified to read: Table 602.3(3) Requirements for wood structural panel wall sheathing used to resist wind pressures, with the superscript letters "a," "b," "c," and "d" after the word "pressures." The footnotes have been modified to read:

(A) Footnote "a" reads: "Panel strength axis parallel or perpendicular to supports. Three- plywood sheathing with studs spaced more than 16 inches on center shall be applied with panel strength axis perpendicular to supports."

(B) Footnote "b" reads: "Table is based on wind pressures acting toward and away from building surfaces in accordance with Section R301.2. Lateral bracing requirements shall be in accordance with Section R602.10."

(C) Footnote "c" reads: "Wood structural panels with span ratings of Wall-16 or Wall-24 shall be permitted as an alternate to panels with a 24/0 span rating. Plywood siding rated at 16 o.c. or 24 o.c. shall be permitted as an alternate to panels with a 24/16 span rating. Wall-16 and Plywood siding 16 o.c. shall be used with studs spaced not more than 16 inches on center."

(D) Footnote "d" reads: "The following alternative fasteners will be acceptable with a wind exposure category of C or D, 0.099-inch x 2-1/4 inches at 3 inches o.c. along the edge and 6 inches o.c. in the field. Or 0.113-inch x 2-3/8 inches at 6 inches o.c. along the edge and 12 inches o.c. in the field."

(3) Section R602.10.5 Minimum length of a braced wall panel. This section has been modified to allow for the portal frame to begin at 12 1/2 feet (3810 mm) from the wall line end for CS-PF method. This section has been modified to read: R602.10.5 Minimum length of a braced wall panel. The minimum length of a braced wall panel shall comply with Table R602.10.5. For methods CS-WSP and CS-SFB, the minimum panel length shall be based on the adjacent clear opening height in accordance with Table R602.10.5 and Figure R602.10.5. Where a panel has an opening on either side of differing heights, the taller opening height shall be used to determine the panel length. For method CS-PF, it is permissible to begin the portal frame at 12 1/2 feet (3810 mm) from the wall line end.

(4) Section R602.10.8 Braced wall panel connections. This section has been modified to include a fourth requirement to the section for anchoring wood sole plates to the building interiors on monolithic slabs using connectors with specific requirements. This section has been modified to read: R602.10. 8 Braced wall panel connections. Braced wall panels shall be connected to the floor framing or foundations as follows:

(A) Item 1. Where joists are perpendicular to a braced wall panel above or below, a rim joist, band joist or blocking shall be provided along the entire length of the braced wall panel in accordance with Figure R602.10.8(1). Fastening of top and bottom wall plates to framing, rim joist, band joist and/or blocking shall be in accordance with Table R602.3(1).

(B) Item 2. Where joists are parallel to a braced wall panel above or below, a rim joist, end joist or other parallel framing member shall be provided directly above and below the braced wall panel in accordance with Figure R602.10.8(2). Where a parallel framing member cannot be located directly above and below the panel, full-depth blocking at 16- inches (406 mm) spacing shall be provided between parallel framing members to each side of the braced wall panel in accordance with figure R602.10.8(2). Fastening of blocking and wall plates shall be in accordance with Table R602.3(1) and Figure R602.10.8(2).

(C) Item. 3. Connections of braced wall panels to concrete or masonry shall be in accordance with Section R403.1.6.

(D) Item 4. Wood sole plates of braced wall panels at building interiors on monolithic slabs maybe anchored using connector(s) with a shear capacity of 2300 pounds and a tensile capacity of 800 pounds over a maximum span of 6 feet (1829 mm).

(5) Section R602.12 Simplified wall bracing. This section has been modified to change wall height, roof eave height, and wind speed conditions. This section has been modified to read: R602.12 Simplified wall bracing. Buildings meeting all of the conditions listed below shall be permitted to be braced in accordance with this section as an alternate to the requirements of Section R602.10. The entire building shall be braced in accordance with this section; the use of other bracing provisions of Section R602.10, except as specified herein, shall not be permitted.

(A) Item. 1. There shall be not more than three stories above the top of a concrete or masonry foundation or basement wall. Permanent wood foundations shall not be permitted.

(B) Item 2. Floors shall not cantilever more than 24 inches (610 mm) beyond the foundation or bearing wall below.

(C) Item 3. Wall height shall not be greater than 12 feet (3658 mm)

(D) Item 4. The building shall have a roof eave-to-ridge height of 20 feet (6096 mm) or less.

(E) Item 5. Exterior walls shall have gypsum board with a minimum thickness of 1/2 inch (12.7mm) installed on the interior side fastened in accordance with Table R702.3.5.

(F) Item. 6. The structure shall be located where the ultimate design wind speed is less than or equal to 115 mph (51.4 m/s), and the exposure category is B or C.

(G) Item. 7. The structure shall be located in Seismic Design Category A, B, or C for detached one- and two-family dwellings or Seismic Design Category A or B for townhouses.

(H) Item 8. Cripple walls shall not be permitted in three-story buildings.

(6) Section R602.12.2 Sheathing materials. This section has been modified to change the minimum thickness of wood structural panels. This section has been modified to read: R602.12.2 Sheathing materials. The following sheathing materials installed on the exterior side of exterior walls shall be used to construct a bracing unit as defined in Section R602.12.3. Mixing materials is prohibited.

(A) Item 1. Wood structural panels with a minimum thickness of 7/16 inch (11.11 mm) fastened in accordance with Table R602.3(3).

(B) Item 2. Structural fiberboard sheathing with a minimum thickness of 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) fastened in accordance with Table R602.3(1).

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