Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 730 - Department of Transportation
Chapter 35 - Maintenance and Control of State Highway System
Subchapter 1 - Maintenance
Section 730:35-1-2 - Definitions
The following words or terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Frontage road" means a road constructed on Department owned right-of-way, adjacent and parallel to but separated from the highway and which has connections to the highway, at least on both ends, for service to abutting property and for control of access. See Appendices A and B of this Chapter.
"Highway maintenance" means the preservation and upkeep of a highway, including all of its elements, in as nearly as practicable its original as-constructed condition or its subsequently improved condition.
(A)"Routine maintenance" means all work performed by the normal maintenance forces with regularly assigned equipment and materials as needed.
(B)"Special or heavy maintenance" means work of considerable magnitude, usually beyond the capability of routine maintenance forces, requiring special appropriations and special organizations of men, equipment and materials.
"Interchange-collector-distributor road" on Department owned right-of-way means a road constructed parallel to the mainline that collects and distributes traffic between ramps and the mainline and which is not connected to any crossroads. See Appendices A and B of this Chapter.
"Local road" on Department owned right-of-way, means a road constructed to provide access to property abutting or adjacent to the highway and which has only one connection to the highway. See Appendix B of this Chapter.
"Public road" on Department-owned right-of-way means a road constructed to connect other public roads or streets, but not necessarily connected to the highway, nor allowing access to the highway. See Appendix C of this Chapter.
Amended at 17 Ok Reg 1384, eff 5-11-00