Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 712 - Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation
Chapter 10 - Teacher Preparation Program Accreditation
Subchapter 5 - Teacher Preparation Program Accreditation
Section 712:10-5-4 - Standards for Oklahoma Teacher Education Programs

Universal Citation: OK Admin Code 712:10-5-4

Current through Vol. 42, No. 7, December 16, 2024

(a) The following standards as defined by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education shall apply to undergraduate and graduate programs.

(1) Standard One: Candidate Knowledge, Skills and Dispositions.
(A) Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other professional school personnel know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards.

(B) Elements for Standard One include content, pedagogical and professional knowledge; dispositions for all candidates; and student learning for all candidates.

(2) Standard Two: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation.
(A) The unit has an assessment system that collects and analyzes data on the qualifications of applicants, the performance of candidates and graduates, and unit operations to evaluate and improve the unit and its programs.

(B) Elements of Standard Two include data collection, analysis, and evaluation; and use of data for program improvement.

(3) Standard Three: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice.
(A) The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school personnel develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn.

(B) Elements of Standard Three include collaboration between the unit and school partner; design, implementation, and evaluation of field experiences and clinical practice; and candidates' demonstrations of the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for student learning.

(4) Standard Four: Diversity.
(A) The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and experiences for candidates to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. These experiences include working with diverse higher education and school faculty, diverse candidates, and diverse students in P-12 schools.

(B) Elements of Standard Four include design, implementation, and evaluation of candidate experiences relevant to diversity.

(5) Standard Five: Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development.
(A) Faculty are qualified and model best professional practices in scholarship, service and teaching, including the assessment of their own effectiveness as related to candidate performance; they also collaborate with colleagues in the disciplines and schools. The unit systematically evaluates faculty performance and facilitates professional development.

(B) Elements of Standard Five include hiring of qualified faculty, modeling of best professional practices, ongoing evaluation and professional development and collaboration.

(6) Standard Six: Unit Governance and Resources.
(A) The unit has the leadership, authority, budget, personnel, facilities, and resources, including information technology resources, for the preparation of candidates to meet professional, state and institutional standards.

(B) Elements of Standard Six include evidence of leadership within the unit and across the institution, the unit budget, personnel and other resources.

(b) Teacher candidate portfolios.

(1) Institutions shall require all initial and advanced certification program(s) students to develop a portfolio following the guidelines outlined in this section.

(2) A portfolio is a documented profile of an individual's accomplishments, learning, and strengths related to the competencies, state and national standards, and outcomes established by the Commission, State Regents, SDE and institution.

(3) The portfolio, for purposes related to institutional accreditation is a unit of measure which presents evidence that the institution is providing initial, on-going, and focused opportunities and avenues which lead to student achievement of competencies, state and national standards and outcomes determined by the Commission, Regents, SDE and institution.

(4) Institutions will provide for review during each regularly scheduled accreditation visit:
(A) The unit's portfolio handbook containing a written philosophy related to portfolio development and assessment which is consistent with the institution's and unit's mission and conceptual framework, as well as written policies, criteria, and institutional rubric(s) related to the assessment of the portfolio as a whole or individual artifacts contained in the portfolios for all individuals enrolled in initial and advanced programs.

(B) Two representative candidate portfolios for each program offered. OCTP will randomly select one candidate portfolio in each program area and the second will be selected by the unit. Portfolios should represent candidates at the final transition point.

(C) In addition, annual reports must include any revision in the institution's portfolio process.

(5) Institution's pre-service and/or advanced portfolio process.
(A) The teacher education unit and programs shall:
(i) Require the portfolio development process to begin with enrollment into the professional education course work;

(ii) Have a written portfolio handbook(s) containing a written philosophy related to portfolio development and assessment which is consistent with the institutions and unit's mission and conceptual framework(s);

(iii) Have written policies, criteria, and institutional rubrics related to the portfolio assessment(s) of individual(s) enrolled in initial and advanced certification programs.

(c) Annual report. Each Oklahoma teacher preparation unit shall submit an annual report to the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation. This report will satisfy the requirements for the Commission for Teacher Preparation, State Regents for Higher Education, State Department of Education, and NCATE/AACTE. The following information will be included in the report:

(1) Changes that occurred in implementation of the standards outlined in the Institution Plan as a result of local and statewide evaluations/assessments, public hearings or other reasons;

(2) Progress made in addressing the areas for improvement, if any, identified by the most recent on-site visit by the on-site accreditation review team;

(3) Quantitative data related to the unit's programs as required in the AACTE/NCATE Annual Report. These data shall reflect information pertaining to supply and demand for teacher candidates;

(4) Program changes being implemented for OCTP and NCATE continued accreditation;

(5) Report on resources devoted to technology;

(6) Report on professional development activities of faculty;

(7) Report on the number of hours each faculty member taught or were in direct contact with students in public schools;

(8) Report on the number of graduate students admitted conditionally and the success rates.

(9) Report on the results of the assessment of teaching skills in the area of reading instruction as administered to candidates in elementary, early childhood education, and special education.

(10) Report on the participation in the alternative placement programs offered by the institution.

(11) Report on the procedures used to inform the public regarding the institution's teacher education program and the manner through which public input is solicited and received.

(12) Annually, the OCTP shall provide feedback to any institution if their annual report indicates that progress is not being made in addressing areas for improvement.

(13) Complete copies of the annual reports for public institutions will be distributed to OSRHE and summary data for all institutions will be distributed to constituents based on reporting requirements outlined in 70 O.S., Section 6-186.

(14) OCTP will produce a report describing the accreditation status of each institution. This report will devote a section to each institution separately and include a summary of NCATE and OCTP review findings.

Added at 14 Ok Reg 3198, eff 7-25-97; Amended at 17 Ok Reg 3238, eff 8-11-00; Amended at 18 Ok Reg 416, eff 11-21-00 (emergency); Amended at 18 Ok Reg 3131, eff 7-12-01; Amended at 22 Ok Reg 2633, eff 7-11-05; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 1334, eff 11-1-09; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 1613, eff 7-1-10; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 1851, eff 7-1-11; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 840, eff 7-1-12

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