Current through Vol. 42, No. 7, December 16, 2024
The superintendent is responsible for the operation of the
school. It is the responsibility of the superintendent to designate and assign
an administrator in charge in the superintendent's absence. The person so
designated will fulfill the responsibilities of the superintendent until his or
her return.
Staff attitudes
and conduct. Because positive staff attitudes are essential to
constructive work with any child, staff members in the schools are required to
demonstrate genuine interest and concern in the growth and development of each
child, and possess the willingness and ability to take risks of becoming
effectively involved with children in a positive and meaningful relationship.
There must, regardless of position, be a willingness to communicate with other
staff members on a cooperative basis which allows for self-criticism without
personal threat. Staff members are required to conduct themselves, at all
times, in such a way as not to bring discredit on themselves, the institution,
or the Department. Decorum with the children with whom they work shall be warm,
friendly, and understanding, and professional in quality. They shall be able to
set appropriate limits for children and accept responsibility for the propriety
with which it is done. Except in line of duty, staff members shall not discuss
confidential matters of personnel or students.
In-service training. The
administrative/teaching staff will abide by H.B. 1706, 1981, which provides for
the formation of a staff development plan to be submitted and approved annually
by the State Department of Education.
Transportation of children.
Transportation needs may range from weekly trips home to occasional trips to
doctor's offices, local stores, etc. The superintendent of each school shall
designate an individual to coordinate transportation needs and arrange for the
safe, appropriately chaperoned transport of students locally and throughout the
state as needs arise. Close cooperative efforts in transporting students to and
from school and home will be maintained with parents and local education
responsibility. Employees provide transportation originating from the
campus for home going and field trips.
The vehicle and operator of a vehicle used to transport children are in
compliance with all applicable state laws. School buses used to transport
students must meet the requirements of the Oklahoma State Department of
(ii) Written permission
from parents or guardian for transportation of their child is on file at the
(iii) Supervision of the
children begins at the designated pick-up locations.
(iv) The driver is responsible for leaving
the child only with the person or school designated by the parent. Written
instructions and approval from the parent for such a plan is required. Changes
to these instructions from the parent are required.
Driver qualifications.
(i) All drivers will have an operator's
license of the type appropriate for the vehicle that is valid in the driver's
state of residence.
(ii) All
staff/drivers must notify the Superintendent in writing of any conviction of
driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or other impaired driving
offense or reckless driving within the last five years.
Staff-child ratios.
Staff-student ratios are appropriate to ensure the safety and welfare of the
children being transported.
Procedure. Requirements pertaining to transportation procedure are
listed in this subsection.
(i) A schedule
showing accurate route and itinerary is planned and kept at OSB/OSD to show
approximately where the vehicle is at all times. If the vehicle is equipped
with a mobile communication system, route information is not
(ii) The driver is
provided with:
(I) A copy of the scheduled
(II) The name, address, and
telephone number of the child care center;
(III) Names of children being transported;
(IV) A method to contact the
children's parents in case of emergency.
(iii) Safe conduct to and from all vehicles
and safe off-street loading space is provided to protect children from backing
vehicles, from being between vehicles, and from all traffic hazards.
(iv) Attendance is checked each time children
board and exit the vehicle.
Children remain seated while the vehicle is in motion, and no part of a child's
body extends from windows.
Vehicles containing children are never left unattended.
(vii) The use of tobacco products is
prohibited while children are being transported.
Passenger restraints.
Children who are being transported in a passenger car, station wagon, van, bus,
or truck are properly secured in a child passenger restraint system (car seat)
or individual seat belt. Buses with a capacity of ten or more passengers that
meet state and federal requirements for school buses are exempt from this
requirement. Schools may, at their discretion, require students to be secured
with seat belts during their transport.
When transported in a seat equipped with a shoulder belt, children who have not
entered kindergarten and weigh less than 60 pounds are properly secured in a
child passenger restraint system, such as a car seat or booster seat. Children
who have entered kindergarten and older are protected by use of a car seat,
booster seat, or individual seat belt.
(ii) The car seat is:
(I) Federally approved;
(II) Installed according to the
manufacturer's instructions;
Appropriate to the height, weight, and physical condition of the child,
according to the manufacturer's instructions; and
(IV) Properly maintained.
(iii) Each seat belt is properly
anchored to the vehicle and fits snugly across children's hips or securely
anchors the car seat.
(iv) All
adult passengers, except those in a full-size school bus, and the driver are
properly secured by seat belts unless the driver or passenger has written
verification from a doctor licensed in Oklahoma that the individual is unable
to use a seat belt for medical reasons. The school bus driver must always use a
seat belt.
(v) Children under 50
pounds and/or under five feet in height are prohibited from sitting in the
front seat of a passenger vehicle equipped with air bags.
Vehicle requirements. Any
vehicle used to transport children complies with the requirements listed in
this subsection.
(i) The vehicle's maximum
seating capacity is not exceeded. Maximum seating capacity of the vehicle is
based on the manufacturer's designated seating capacity for children or on a
minimum of 13 inches of seating space per child.
(ii) All passengers are able to sit
comfortably in a stationary padded seat with a back that is properly anchored
to the vehicle.
(iii) Vehicles used
to transport children are maintained in a clean, safe operating condition, free
of hazardous objects or other nonessential items that could injure
(iv) Children are not
transported in vehicles or parts of vehicles, which were not designed for the
purpose of transporting people, for example, truck beds, campers, and
(v) Each vehicle must
have door locks. The driver is responsible for keeping the doors locked when
the vehicle is moving.
(vi) The
transporting vehicle is covered by medical and liability insurance as required
by Oklahoma laws.
(vii) A vehicle
used to transport children has an operable heater and an adequate ventilation
(viii) A first aid kit is
placed on each bus.
Report of injuries, fires,
assaults, etc. Should a child be injured in an incident or accident, an
accident report is completed. The parents or the guardian are to be notified of
the child's accident and given complete details and a report of the child's
condition at the time.
Fire and safety. The superintendents and their staffs at OSB and
OSD have a responsibility to observe fire and safety regulations and to comply
with official inspections. Buildings and premises will be maintained in a safe
condition and free from fire hazards. From time to time, inspections are made
by the State Fire Marshall to determine fire and safety precautions taken by
the school and the school is expected to correct any deficiencies noted. Fire
drills shall be conducted on a regular basis in all occupied buildings, and a
record of such drills maintained in the superintendent's office.
Sanitation. The
superintendents and their staffs at OSB and OSD have a responsibility to see
that sanitary conditions at the schools meet acceptable standards as prescribed
by public health authorities. From time to time, inspections are made of such
matters under the direction of the State Department of Health, and the school
is expected to correct any deficiencies found.
Added at 10 Ok Reg
4643, eff 9-1-93 (emergency); Added at 11 Ok Reg 2459, eff 7-1-94; Amended at
22 Ok Reg 2215, eff 7-1-05