Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 420 - Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board
Chapter 10 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administration
Section 420:10-1-14 - Standards for the storage and handling of liquified petroleum gas

Universal Citation: OK Admin Code 420:10-1-14

Current through Vol. 42, No. 7, December 16, 2024

(a) NFPA standards. The standards for the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gases adopted by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and published in its pamphlets No. 58, and the standards for the installation of gas appliances and gas piping adopted by said NFPA and published in its pamphlet No. 54 have been adopted by the Legislature in 52 O.S., Section 420.3(E) and shall be accepted standards for the State of Oklahoma. All Class I, Class II, and Class III permit holders must have a current electronic or paper copy of NFPA 58 and 54 available for use at each separate branch.

(b) Supplemental standards. The following standards are supplemental to NFPA pamphlet No. 58 and shall be part of the rules and regulations of the Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board:

(1) Definitions.
(A) The word "approved" as used in this section means acceptable to the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator. A device or system having materials or forms different from those detailed in this section may be examined and tested according to the intent of the regulations and if found equivalent, may be approved.

(B) In this section those provisions which are considered essential for adequate protection of life and property from fire are indicated by the words "shall" and "must. " The words "should" or "preferably" indicate advisory provisions concerning which the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator of Oklahoma should be consulted.

(C) In each place mentioned in NFPA No. 54 and NFPA No. 58 where it refers to "the authority having jurisdiction" this would mean the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator.

(D) An "important building" shall be any building, open to the public, or inhabited by people, in which any LP Gas system of any type is installed.

(2) Submittal of plans.
(A) Prior to the installation of new, or the modification of liquefied petroleum gas plumbing systems, excluding tank change outs, in school buildings, churches, courthouses, office buildings and other buildings to which the public is invited, such as cafes, dance halls, tourist courts and parks, plans and specifications for such installation in duplicate, shall be submitted to, and approvedby, the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator, and before such systems are filled with liquefied petroleum gas, they shall be physically inspected and approved by a licensed installer and a report made by him or her to the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator on LPG Form 4, or its revision, furnished by the LP Gas Administrator's office.

(B) Plans must be submitted and approved on any dispenser used to fill DOT cylinders and/or ASME containers, and used for public resale of LP Gas, including unattended self-service LP Gas motor fuel dispenser stations. These plans must be submitted by a Class I permit holder to the Administration office along with the proper fee, and an onsite inspection must be performed by a Safety Code Enforcement Officer prior to final approval and before the dispenser can be placed into service. A One Hundred Dollar ($100.00) plan review fee must accompany all dispenser plans submitted. If a dispenser is taken out of service, written notice must be given to the Administration office within seven (7) working days. If a dispenser is moved to a new location, new plans must be submitted to the Administrator and onsite inspection performed by a Safety Code Enforcement Officer prior to final approval and dispenser being placed into service. A complete list of dispensers by location shall be submitted to the LP Gas Administration as indicated on Class I permit renewal forms.

(C) Plans must be submitted to, and approved, by the Administrator on any fixed installation with individual water capacity of 2,000 gallons or more, or aggregate water capacity exceeding 4,000 gallons.

(D) Plans must be submitted and approved for any facility using Un-Odorized LP Gas in any manner and a permit must be obtained pursuant to OAC 420:10-1-5(b)(9). These plans must be submitted to the Administration Office by the Class VIII permit holder or applicant proposing to service such facility with product, along with the proper fees. A successful on-site inspection must be performed by a Safety Code Enforcement Officer of the LP system prior to final approval and before the introduction of LP Gas and the system placed into service. A plan review fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) must accompany all plans submitted. The fee for inspection is One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), and it will be assessed for each and every inspection, including, but not limited to, failed inspections, annual re-inspections and any other re-inspection needed to check that identified hazards have been corrected.

(3) Report of accident. In case of accident or fire at any location where a liquefied petroleum gas system or equipment is involved, or any accident involving liquefied petroleum gas systems or equipment, the dealer owning, operating or servicing the equipment or installation shall notify the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator. This notification shall be forwarded as soon as feasibly possible after the dealer has knowledge of the accident in order that an inspection may be made by the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator before the site has been disturbed.

(4) Piping - including pipe, tubing and fittings.
(A) No person, firm, or corporation shall connect a liquefied petroleum gas tank to any piping without having first determined that such piping complies with the laws of the State of Oklahoma and the rules and regulations of the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board relative to liquefied petroleum gas piping.

(B) All installations, installed after July 1, 2002, of storage containers, with more than 4,000 gallon water capacity, shall have internal valves installed as per NFPA 58.

(C) On installations of stationary or portable storage, with an aggregate of more than 4,000 gallon water capacity, a bulkhead approved by the LP Gas Administrator shall be required on each liquid line of one and one-half (1-1/2) inch or larger and each vapor line of one and one-quarter (1-1/4) inch or larger.

(5) Vaporizers and housings.
(A) The minimum capacity of the storage container feeding the vaporizer shall not be less than ten (10) times the hourly capacity of the vaporizer in gallons.

(B) The minimum capacity of a storage container being heated by a direct fired tank heater shall not be less than ten (10) times the hourly vaporizing capacity of the tank heater in gallons.

(6) Liquid metering systems. Each bulk retail delivery of liquid LP Gas shall be measured by a suitable LP Gas liquid meter system, except those deliveries of liquid LP Gas in cylinders which are filled by weight, deliveries of LP Gas vapor through vapor meters and a delivery of a full transport load from the terminal to the end-user with a bill of lading, are exempt from the requirements of this paragraph.
(A) LP Gas Liquid meters shall indicate deliveries in terms of gallons and to the nearest tenth of a gallon.

(B) The LP Gas liquid meter shall meet, in addition to the other requirements of this paragraph, the following requirements:
(i) The system shall include a device (such as a differential back-pressure regulator) so designed and installed that the product being measured will remain in a liquid state during passage through the meter.

(ii) No means shall be provided by which any measured liquid can be diverted from the measuring chamber, differential valve equipment or the discharge line therefrom.

(iii) Effective January 1, 1994, in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44, all LP Gas Liquid meters used for bulk delivery shall be designed with the necessary equipment for mechanically printing gallons on a delivery ticket and the customer served thereby shall be given a ticket mechanically imprinted by the printing device. The customer's name and Class I Dealer's name must be included on the metered ticket. Meters used for stationary dispensing of motor fuel will not be required to be equipped with such printing device.

(iv) All bulk metered sales of propane, via bobtail or transport, shall be made by temperature compensated measure. Except, any truck now operating without a temperature compensation meter shall be retrofitted by no later than July 1, 2003.

(C) All meters where product is sold to the public must be proved by an approved meter tester/inspector and have written certification on file at permit holder's place of business. Meters that are located on vehicles or that are otherwise moveable must be proved at least once every two calendar years; meters that are stationary must be proved at least once every four calendar years.
(i) All meters and temperature compensators must be accurate within the manufacturer's tolerance, not to exceed + or -1% at any time. The Administrator, at his or her discretion, may require a meter be proved to determine its accuracy at any time, even if such proving would be outside of or in addition to the two-year or four-year schedule established above.

(ii) The LP Gas liquid meter system shall be designed and constructed to provide for applying lead-and-wire seals in such a manner that no modifications or adjustments which would affect the accuracy of deliveries, can be made without mutilating the seal or seals. If a seal is broken, notification must be made to the Administrator and the seal must be resealed by a Safety Code Enforcement Officer, an approved meter tester, or a person approved by the Administrator.

(D) No dealer or firm controlled or affiliated with a dealer may calibrate or certify its own meters. All meters must be tested with a volumetric meter prover.

(7) Qualified personnel. Each holder of an LP Gas permit shall be responsible for having qualified personnel operating and installing LP Gas equipment.

(8) Filling unsafe or unapproved dispensing or storage tanks prohibited. No person, firm, or corporation shall introduce liquefied petroleum gas into a dispensing or storage tank in the State with knowledge that such dispensing or storage tank or piping is known to be in an unsafe operating condition.

(9) Standards for containers.
(A) In accordance with 52 O.S., Section 420.5, all first sales, rentals, purchases or uses of DOT cylinders and ASME tanks in this State, must have Oklahoma Identification tags attached to such cylinders or tanks. However, all DOT cylinders and ASME tanks in Oklahoma, with a manufacturer's date prior to September 1, 1993, are not required to have Oklahoma Identification tags. These Oklahoma Identification tags are not transferable from one cylinder or tank to another.

(B) Any new container sold or installed in Oklahoma for use in this State shall carry a five-year warranty covering workmanship and material. This warranty shall provide that any container not in compliance with this regulation must be repaired or replaced by the fabricator at no expense to the dealer or customer. This provision is to take care of "pin-hole" leaks in the weld that were not detected at the time of fabrication and does not apply to fittings.

(C) Containers shall be filled or used only upon authorization of the fee simple owner. The name of the fee simple owner, if other than the consumer, shall be conspicuously shown on the container.

(D) Any stationary storage container converted from anhydrous ammonia to propane shall be converted as follows:
(i) The container shall be purged of anhydrous ammonia by water flooding, steam or other methods described by the National Propane Gas Association's (NPGA) Recommendation for Prevention of Ammonia Contamination; and

(ii) It shall then be properly purged with propane vapor and tested with the red litmus paper as described in NFPA 58 or by any other test approved by the Board; and

(iii) The test shall be completed by the permit holder that performs the conversion; and

(iv) The results shall be documented and shall contain the container manufacturer, water capacity, serial number, the results of the test, the capacity of the relief valve, the date of the test, and the signature of the permit holder conducting the test. A copy of the results shall be provided to the owner of the container;

(v) Any dealer filling a converted anhydrous ammonia container for the first time shall either be provided a copy of the test or complete the test as described above; and

(vi) The container shall meet all requirements of NFPA 58.

(10) Underground containers.
(A) Underground containers must be installed by an individual who:
(i) Is properly permitted by the LP Gas Administration with a Class X or Class IV permit; and

(ii) Has completed Board-approved Cathodic Protection training. Documentation of proof of completion of training must be provided upon request.

(B) Underground containers shall be dug up at the expense of the owner at any time at the discretion of the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator.

(11) Minimum storage. All new Class I permit holders must provide bulk propane storage capacity of not less than an aggregate of 18,000 water gallons. The minimum storage must be maintained and operational, with installation approved by the authority having jurisdiction, and within a fifty (50) mile radius of the corporate office or branch location. The minimum storage shall be considered maintained if the area meets the requirements of NFPA 58, the rules and regulations established by the Board and is kept reasonably clear of long, dry grass, weeds, debris, and any other combustible material. Any exceptions to the minimum storage requirement may be granted by the Board. Current active Class I permit holders, as of September 1, 1994, are not required to meet this minimum storage requirement. After a change of ownership, the new Class I permit holder must secure the minimum storage requirement within one year.

(12) Painting. All bulk storage containers of a capacity 120 gallons water capacity or greater shall be painted a heat reflection color.

(13) Lettering bulk storage and dispensers.
(A) All bulk storage 2,000 gallons and above shall be lettered with the name of the contents, such as LP Gas, butane, propane, and a "No Smoking" sign in letters not less than six (6) inches high.

(B) In addition to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, all bulk storage used for loading and unloading facilities, and all container filling storages (dispensers) shall include the name of the person, firm, or corporation operating the bulk storage or dispenser and their phone number in letters not less than two (2) inches high. This information shall be placed so as to be readily visible to the public.

(C) For all size bulk storage containers, the name of the fee simple owners, if other than the consumer, shall be conspicuously shown on the container.

(14) Extinguishers required. Extinguishers of the dry chemical type, with a B:C or A:B:C rating, are required. Extinguishers shall have a net content of not less than the current NFPA 58 requirements and shall be inspected at least once each year by an authorized inspector such as Fire Department's or Fire Appliance Company representatives. Current weatherproof inspection tags shall be attached to the extinguisher.

(15) Marking cargo vehicles. Every tank vehicle used for transportation of liquefied petroleum gas shall be marked and placarded according to current DOT requirements. Each tank vehicle must also have the name of the person, firm or corporation on each side of the cargo tank in letters a minimum of two (2) inches in height. This information shall be placed so as to be readily visible to the public. This name shall be the same as permit holder has designated on the Class I or Class II permit.

(16) Parking and garaging LP gas tank vehicles. Any tank vehicle used for transportation of liquefied petroleum gas shall not be parked beneath or adjacent to any electric transmission line in such position that there is a possibility of a conductor contacting the tank in event of breakage.

(17) Filling unapproved truck, trailer or cargo tanks prohibited.
(A) An inspection form, when properly completed, and an LPG registration decal (the serial number of which is shown on the inspection form), shall be evidence that the liquefied petroleum gas truck, trailer or cargo tank described on the inspection form by its serial number has been approved by the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator for use in the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas. Such LPG registration decal and inspection form also shall authorize the person, firm or corporation whose name appears on the inspection form or its bona fide employees to operate the truck or trailer tank described on the inspection form, and further shall authorize the filling of such truck, trailer or cargo tank with liquefied petroleum gas.

(B) The LPG registration decal shall be displayed at all times in an easily visible location on the left front of the cargo tank, which is on the driver's side. A copy of the inspection form shall be retained, until the expiration date, in the office of the person, firm or corporation whose name appears thereon. It will not be necessary to keep or display a copy of the inspection form on the truck, trailer or cargo tank.

(C) No person, firm or corporation shall operate a truck, trailer or cargo tank in the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas in this State unless such person, firm or corporation has been issued an LPG registration decal and an inspection form certifying that such tank has been registered with and approved by the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator, or unless its operation has been specifically approved by a communication from the State Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administrator.

(D) The LPG registration decal and the inspection form required in this paragraph are not transferable by the person, firm or corporation to whom they are issued or from one truck, trailer or cargo tank to another, and they are not to be used after the expiration date of the fiscal year for which they were issued, or in the event the Class I or Class II permit becomes inactive.

(18) Vaporizers. Exhaust gases shall not be used as a direct means of heat supply for the vaporization of fuel.

(19) Stationary engines in building.
(A) All engine rooms shall be well ventilated at the floor level.

(B) When engines are installed below grade level, suitable floor level mechanical exhaust ventilation shall be provided and operated continuously, or adequate means shall be provided to purge the room before the engine is started. In any case the mechanical ventilation shall be in operation when the engine is running. Before and during any repairs to the engine the room shall be ventilated.

(C) Automatic fire doors shall be provided at openings in the engine room that open into other sections of the building.

(D) Exhaust gases shall be discharged outside the building in a manner that will not create a fire or any other hazard.

(E) Regulators and pressure relief valves installed in buildings and engine rooms shall be vented to the outside and discharge at least five (5) feet away from any building opening. Such venting will not be required for combination engine fuel vaporizing - fuel reducing - fuel metering devices, provided that an acceptable automatic shut-off valve is installed immediately ahead of such devices.

(20) Storage outside of buildings. Valves and safety relief devices shall be protected against accumulations of ice and snow. Protective caps shall be deemed adequate.

(21) Appliances. Any mobile home, travel trailer, camper or recreational vehicle shall be delivered to the buying public by the permit holder with the system properly installed and free of leaks.

(22) Maximum vapor pressure and container working pressure.
(A) The maximum vapor pressure of the product at 100-degree Fahrenheit which may be transferred to a container shall not exceed the design working pressure of the container. Exception: 200 psig ASME working pressure vessels in LP Gas service in Oklahoma prior to January 1, 1994, may be continued in service for commercial propane, provided that they are fitted with relief valves and meet the start-to-leak setting in relation to the design pressure of the container, shall be in accordance with NFPA 58. For the purpose of this exception, "commercial propane" is defined as having a vapor pressure not in excess of 210 psig at 100-degree Fahrenheit. This exception does not apply to LP Gas motor fuel and mobile fuel containers.

(B) Any stationary 200 psig ASME containers brought into Oklahoma from out of state and intended for stationary LP Gas installation in Oklahoma at any facility requiring submission of plans and specification must be tested by at least two (2) of the following nondestructive test methods recognized by ASME to determine if the container or assembly is safe for LP Gas use in Oklahoma. The following test results must be submitted to the Oklahoma LP Gas Administration for approval.
(i) Hydrostatic test;

(ii) Ultrasonic thickness test; and

(iii) Wet particle fluorescent or magnaflux.

(23) Testing, leakage and visual inspection, and meter calibration.
(A) Hydrostatic testers operating in Oklahoma that are hydrostatic testing cargo containers for LP Gas use in Oklahoma must be approved by the Oklahoma LP Gas Board and shall:
(i) Hold a Federal C.T. number;

(ii) Include in their testing the use of a calibrated pressure chart recorder; and

(iii) Hold a Class IV installer permit.

(B) Leakage and visual inspectors operating in Oklahoma and performing this inspection on cargo containers and their systems for LP Gas use in Oklahoma must be approved by the Oklahoma LP Gas Board and meet the following requirements:
(i) Inspectors shall hold a Federal C.T. number; and

(ii) If the inspection includes repairs that require the LP Gas system to be re-plumbed, a Class IV permit is required.

(C) Meter calibrators operating in Oklahoma that are calibrating meters for LP Gas use in Oklahoma must be approved by the Oklahoma LP Gas Board and meet the following requirements:
(i) Meters shall be tested in accordance with OAC 420:10-1-14(b)(6);

(ii) Meter calibrators shall furnish the meter owner a copy of the calibration showing the correct gear numbers and temperature compensator settings;

(iii) Meter calibration results shall be on a form approved by the LP Gas Administrator and a copy of the completed form shall be furnished to the meter owner:

(iv) Meter calibrators shall hold a Class IV permit; and

(v) Meter calibration testers shall test meters according to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards.

(24) Cylinder exchange stations.
(A) Cylinder exchange cabinets shall be constructed as per NFPA 58.

(B) The cabinet shall have the following signs affixed to it and readily visible to the public:
(i) "Propane" or "Flammable Gas" and "No Smoking" in letters not less than two (2) inches high;

(ii) "Net Weight ___ lbs." with the net weight of the cylinders to be specified, all of which shall be displayed on the front of the cabinet in letters not less than two (2) inches high;

(iii) Name of Class I permit holder who supplies the cylinders; and

(iv) 24-hour Emergency telephone number.

(C) The cabinet shall be located for distance and number of cylinders as per NFPA 58.

(D) The cylinder storage area shall be kept free of wood, debris and other combustible/flammable material not necessary to the storage for a distance of ten (10) feet, not to include the construction materials of the building itself.

(E) Protection against vehicle impact shall be provided in accordance with good engineering practice where vehicle traffic normally is expected at the location, as per NFPA 58.

(F) A fire extinguisher shall be provided, as per NFPA 58.

(G) A warning sign shall be posted at or near any entrance doorway stating the "LP GAS EXCHANGE CYLINDERS EMPTY OR FULL SHALL NOT BE TAKEN INDOORS FOR ANY REASON."

(H) The Class I permit holder shall provide safety training materials to the Class VII permit holder. The Class VII permit holder is responsible for providing appropriate safety information to the individual exchanging the cylinder. This documentation of training will be kept by the Class VII permit holder at the Class VII location.

(I) Automated cylinder exchange cabinets that include an automated vending system for exchanging cylinders shall comply with the following additional requirements:
(i) Electrical equipment installed in cylinder storage compartments shall comply with the requirements for Class I, Division 2 equipment in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code;

(ii) Cabinets shall be designed such that cylinders can be placed inside only in the upright position;

(iii) Door releases for access to stored cylinders shall be permitted to be pneumatic, mechanical or electrically powered;

(iv) A manual override control shall be permitted for use by authorized personnel; and

(v) The vending system shall not be capable of returning to automatic operation after a manual override until the system has been inspected and reset by authorized personnel.

(J) A Class I permit shall be required in order to supply exchange cylinders for the cylinder exchange permit holder.

(K) A busy sidewalk and thoroughfare, as referenced in NFPA 58, shall be further defined as not being located on private property. A busy sidewalk is alongside a public road and a thoroughfare is a public road.

(25) Recreational vehicles. Installations or repairs on LP Gas systems on recreational vehicles shall be performed as per NFPA 1192, Standard on Recreational Vehicles.

(26) Minimum installation and performance standards of unattended self-service LP Gas motor fuel dispenser stations.
(A) Unattended self-service LP Gas motor fuel dispenser stations shall meet the applicable sections of the rules and regulations of the Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board and NFPA 58.

(B) Any unattended self-service LP Gas motor fuel dispenser shall also meet all Alternative Provisions for Installations of ASME containers found in NFPA 58 regardless of tank size. This includes Redundant Fail-Safe Product Control and Low Emission Transfer requirements.

(C) The delivery valve and nozzle combination shall be designed, installed, and operated, so that LP Gas will not be released unless the valve is correctly attached to the filler coupling on the receiving valve of the LP Gas motor fuel container.

(D) To maintain minimum performance standards, the following shall be considered minimum system performance requirements:
(i) Dispensing rate minimum of eight (8) gallons per minute (GPM) per manufacturer's specifications; and

(ii) Vehicle fueling area, ground where vehicle is parked, shall be reasonably level to allow for complete fuel fills.

(E) The dispenser shall have the following signs affixed to the dispenser and readily visible to the public:
(i) Step by step operating instructions, approved in advance by the Administrator;

(ii) A warning sign(s) stating, "WARNING, STATE LAW PROHIBITS FILLING ANY PORTABLE DOT CONTAINERS AT THIS DISPENSER" and "All vehicles refueling at this dispenser must have an appropriate ASME container fitted with an operational OPD valve" in letters not less than two (2) inches high;

(iii) Proper name of LP Gas being dispensed, as specified by federal regulations at CFR-Title 49, in letters not less than two (2) inches high;

(iv) "No Smoking" in letters not less than two (2) inches high;

(v) 24-hour emergency telephone number in letters not less than two (2) inches high; and

(vi) Name of the Class I permit holder that services the dispenser, in letters not less than two (2) inches high.

Amended at 10 Ok Reg 4081, eff 7-26-93 ; Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3853, eff 7-11-94 ; Amended at 14 Ok Reg 3175, eff 7-25-97 ; Amended at 15 Ok Reg 3647, eff 7-27-98 ; Amended at 16 Ok Reg 3336, eff 7-26-99 ; Amended at 17 Ok Reg 3159, eff 7-27-00 ; Amended at 18 Ok Reg 3087, eff 7-12-01 ; Amended at 19 Ok Reg 2674, eff 7-11-02 ; Amended at 20 Ok Reg 2667, eff 7-25-03 ; Amended at 21 Ok Reg 2812, eff 7-11-04 ; Amended at 22 Ok Reg 2599, eff 7-11-05 ; Amended at 26 Ok Reg 2567, eff 7-11-09 ; Amended at 28 Ok Reg 2017, eff 7-11-11 ; Amended at 30 Ok Reg 1842, eff 7-11-13

The agency published Agency Notes at 10 Ok Reg 4090 and 11 Ok Reg 849 to identify language in this 7-26-93 action that was not consistent with the controlling statute.

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