Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 420 - Oklahoma Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board
Chapter 10 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas Administration
Section 420:10-1-11 - Change of ownership
Permits granted under the rules of this chapter and the act shall be personal to the holder thereof and shall not be assigned or transferable. In the event of a change of ownership the new operator shall currently hold a Class I permit or shall secure a Class I prior to change of ownership. Upon change of ownership where the new operator chooses to operate the business as a separate legal entity other than his existing Class I permit then he must meet the requirements of a new Class I permit, except the Class I testing. After change of ownership the new Class I permit holder shall secure minimum storage requirements within one year and meet requirements of 420:10-1-9(1).
Amended at 10 Ok Reg 4081, eff 7-26-93; Amended at 11 Ok Reg 3853, eff 7-11-94