Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 317 - Oklahoma Health Care Authority
Chapter 30 - Medical Providers-Fee for Service
Subchapter 5 - Individual Providers and Specialties
Section 317:30-5-241.3 - Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) services

Universal Citation: OK Admin Code 317:30-5-241.3

Current through Vol. 42, No. 7, December 16, 2024

(a) Definition. Behavioral Health Rehabilitation (BHR) services are goal oriented outpatient interventions that target the maximum reduction of mental and/or behavioral health impairments and strive to restore the members to their best possible mental and/or behavioral health functioning. BHR services must be coordinated in a manner that is in the best interest of the member and may be provided in a variety of community and/or professional settings that protect and assure confidentiality. For purposes of this Section, BHR includes Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Outpatient Substance Abuse Rehabilitation, and Medication Training and Support.

(b) Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR).

(1) Definition. PSR services are face-to-face Behavioral Health Rehabilitation services which are necessary to improve the member's ability to function in the community. They are performed to improve the skills and abilities of members to live interdependently in the community, improve self-care and social skills, and promote lifestyle change and recovery practices. Rehabilitation services may be provided individually or in group sessions, and they take the format of curriculum based education and skills training.

(2) Clinical restrictions. This service is generally performed with only the members and the qualified provider, but may include a member and the member's family/support system when providing educational services from a curriculum that focuses on the member's diagnosis, symptom management, and recovery. A member who at the time of service is not able to cognitively benefit from the treatment due to active hallucinations, substance abuse, or other impairments is not suitable for this service. Family involvement is allowed for support of the member and education regarding his/her recovery, but does not constitute family therapy, which requires a licensed provider.

(3) Qualified practitioners. A Certified Behavioral Health Case Manager II (CM II), CADC, LBHP , or Licensure Candidate may perform PSR, following development of a service plan and treatment curriculum approved by an LBHP or Licensure Candidate. The CM II and CADC must have immediate access to a LBHP who can provide clinical oversight and collaborate with the qualified PSR provider in the provision of services. A minimum of one monthly face-to-face consultation with a LBHP is required for PSR providers . In addition, a minimum of one face-to-face consultation per week with a LBHP or Licensure Candidateis required for PSR providers regularly rendering services away from the outpatient behavioral health agency site.

(4) Group sizes. The maximum staffing ratio is fourteen members for each qualified provider for adults and eight to one for children under the age of eighteen.

(5) Limitations.
(A) Transportation. Travel time to and from PSR treatment is not compensable. Group PSR services do not qualify for the OHCA transportation program, but OHCA will arrange for transportation for those who require specialized transportation equipment.

(B) Time. Breaks, lunchtime and times when the member is unable or unwilling to participate are not compensable and must be deducted from the overall billed time.

(C) Location. In order to develop and improve the member's community and interpersonal functioning and self care abilities, PSR services may take place in settings away from the outpatient behavioral health agency site as long as the setting protects and assures confidentiality. When this occurs, the qualified provider must be present and interacting, teaching, or supporting the defined learning objectives of the member for the entire claimed time.

(D) Eligibility for PSR services. All PSR services require prior authorization and must meet established medical necessity criteria.
(i) Adults. PSR services for adults are limited to members who have a history of psychiatric hospitalization or admissions to crisis centers, have been determined disabled by the SSA for mental health reasons, are residing in residential care facilities or are receiving services through a specialty court program.

(ii) Children. PSR services for children are limited to members who have a history of psychiatric hospitalization or admissions to crisis centers; have been determined disabled by the SSA for mental health reasons; have a current Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan for emotional disturbance; or have been evaluated by a school psychologist, licensed psychologist or psychiatrist and determined to be "at risk" as outlined in the Prior Authorization Manual.

(iii) The following members are not eligible for PSR services:
(I) Residents of ICF/IID facilities, unless authorized by OHCA or its designated agent;

(II) children under age 6, unless a prior authorization for children ages 4 and 5 has been granted by OHCA or its designated agent based on the criteria in (5)(D)(ii) above as well as a finding of medical necessity;

(III) children receiving RBMS in a group home or therapeutic foster home, unless authorized by OHCA or its designated agent;

(IV) inmates of public institutions;

(V) members residing in inpatient hospitals or IMDs; and

(VI) members residing in nursing facilities.

(E) Billing limits. PSR services are time-limited services designed to be provided over the briefest and most effective period possible and as adjunct (enhancing) interventions to compliment more intensive behavioral health therapies. Service limits are based on the member's needs according to the CAR or other approved tool, the requested placement based on the level of functioning rating, medical necessity, and best practice. Service limitations are designed to help prevent rehabilitation diminishing return by remaining within reasonable age and developmentally appropriate daily limits. PSR services authorized under this Section are separate and distinct from, but should not duplicate the structured services required for children residing in group home or therapeutic foster care settings, or receiving services in Day Treatment or Partial Hospitalization Programs. Children under an ODMHSAS Systems of Care program and adults residing in residential care facilities may be prior authorized additional units as part of an intensive transition period. PSR is billed in unit increments of 15 minutes with the following limits:
(i) Group PSR. The maximum is 24 units per day for adults and 16 units per day for children.

(ii) Individual PSR. The maximum is six units per day.

(iii) Per-Member service levels and limits. Unless otherwise specified, group and/or individual PSR services provided in combination may not exceed the monthly limits established in the individual's prior authorization. Limits on PSR services are established based on the level for which the member has been approved.

(iv) EPSDT. Pursuant to OAC 317:30-3-65 et seq., billing limits may be exceeded or may not apply if documentation demonstrates that the requested services are medically necessary and are needed to correct or ameliorate defects, physical or behavioral illnesses or conditions discovered through a screening tool approved by OHCA or its designated agent. The OHCA has produced forms for documenting an EPSDT child health checkup screening which the provider can access on the OHCA website.

(F) Progress Notes. In accordance with OAC 317:30-5-241.1, the behavioral health service plan developed by the LBHP or Licensure Candidate must include the member's strengths, functional assets, weaknesses or liabilities, treatment goals, objectives and methodologies that are specific and time-limited, and defines the services to be performed by the practitioners and others who comprise the treatment team. When PSR services are prescribed, the plan must address objectives that are specific, attainable, realistic, and time-limited. The plan must include the appropriate treatment coordination to achieve the maximum reduction of the mental and/or behavioral health disability and to restore the member to their best possible functional level. Progress notes for PSR day programs must be documented in accordance with the requirements found in 317:30-5-248(5). Progress notes for all other Behavioral Health Rehabilitation services must be documented in accordance with the requirements found in 317:30-5-248(3).

(G) Additional documentation requirements.
(i) a list/log/sign in sheet of participants for each Group rehabilitative session and facilitating qualified provider must be maintained; and

(ii) Documentation of ongoing consultation and/or collaboration with an LBHP or Licensure Candidate related to the provision of PSR services.

(H) Non-Covered Services. The following services are not considered BHR and are not reimbursable:
(i) Room and board;

(ii) educational costs;

(iii) supported employment; and

(iv) respite.

(c) Outpatient Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Services.

(1) Definition. Covered outpatient substance abuse rehabilitation services are provided in non-residential settings in regularly scheduled sessions intended for individuals not requiring a more intensive level of care or those who require continuing services following more intensive treatment regimes. The purpose of substance abuse rehabilitation services is to begin, maintain, and/or enhance recovery from alcoholism, problem drinking, drug abuse, drug dependency addiction or nicotine use and addiction. Rehabilitation services may be provided individually or in group sessions, and they take the format of curriculum based education and skills training.

(2) Limitations. Group sessions may not be provided in the home.

(3) Eligibility. Members eligible for substance abuse rehabilitation services must meet the criteria for ASAM PCC Treatment Level 1, Outpatient Treatment.

(4) Qualified practitioners. CM II, CADC , LBHP or Licensure Candidate.

(5) Billing limits. Group rehabilitation is limited to two (2) hours per session. Group and/or individual outpatient substance abuse rehabilitation services provided in combination may not exceed the monthly limits established in the individual's prior authorization. Limits on services are established based on the level for which the member has been approved. There are no limits on substance abuse rehabilitation services for individuals determined to be Level 4.

(6) Documentation requirements. Documentation requirements are the same as for PSR services as set forth in 30-5-241.3(b)(5)(F).

(d) Medication training and support.

(1) Definition. Medication Training and Support is a documented review and educational session by a registered nurse, advanced practice nurse, or physician assistant focusing on a member's response to medication and compliance with the medication regimen. The review must include an assessment of medication compliance and medication side effects. Vital signs must be taken including pulse, blood pressure and respiration and documented within the medical or clinical record. A physician is not required to be present, but must be available for consult. Medication Training and Support is designed to maintain the member on the appropriate level of the least intrusive medications, encourage normalization and prevent hospitalization.

(2) Limitations.
(A) Medication Training and Support may not be billed for SoonerCare members who reside in ICF/IID facilities.

(B) Two units are allowed per month per patient.

(C) Medication Training & Support is not allowed to be billed on the same day as an evaluation and management (E/M) service provided by a psychiatrist.

(3) Qualified professionals. Must be provided by a licensed registered nurse, an advanced practice nurse, or a physician assistant as a direct service under the supervision of a physician.

(4) Documentation requirements. Medication Training and Support documented review must focus on:
(A) a member's response to medication;

(B) compliance with the medication regimen;

(C) medication benefits and side effects;

(D) vital signs, which include pulse, blood pressure and respiration; and

(E) documented within the progress notes/medication record.

Added at 26 Ok Reg 734, eff 4-1-09 (emergency); Added at 26 Ok Reg 2090, eff 6-25-09 ; Amended at 27 Ok Reg 305, eff 11-3-09 (emergency); Amended at 27 Ok Reg 966, eff 5-13-10 ; Added at 27 Ok Reg 2753, eff 7-20-10 (emergency); Added at 28 Ok Reg 1469, eff 6-25-11 ; Amended at 29 Ok Reg 413, eff 3-7-12 (emergency); Amended at 29 Ok Reg 1125, eff 6-25-12 ; Amended at 30 Ok Reg 331, eff 1-14-13 (emergency); Amended at 30 Ok Reg 1146, eff 7-1-13

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