Current through Vol. 42, No. 7, December 16, 2024
(a) The Department shall establish a scope of
practice for each certificate and license level.
(b) The medical control physician may limit
an individual certificate or license holder's scope of practice.
(c) Certified and licensed emergency medical
personnel may perform authorized skills and procedures when authorized by
medical control. When emergency medical personnel are without medical control,
the scope of practice for any level of emergency medical personnel is limited
to first aid, CPR, and the use of the AED.
(d) Certified Emergency Medical Responders
may perform to the following level or within this scope of practice:
(1) patient assessment, including the
determination of vital signs, and triage,
(2) oxygen administration and airway
(3) basic wound
management, including hemorrhage controls to include the use of tourniquets;
treatment of shock,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of only adjunctive airway
devices and the use of a semi-automated external defibrillator (SAED),
(5) splinting of suspected
(6) rescue and
extrication procedures,
assistance of patient prescribed medications including sublingual
nitroglycerin, epinephrine auto injector and hand held aerosol inhalers,
(8) administration of agency
supplied oral glucose, activated charcoal, aspirin, agency supplied epinephrine
auto injector, albuterol or approved substitute per medical direction, and
nasally administered or atomized naloxone,
(9) such other emergency medical care skills
and measures included in the instructional guidelines adopted by the
Department, and,
(10) upon the
approval of the Department additional skills may be authorized upon the written
request of a local medical director,
(e) A licensed Emergency Medical Technician
may perform to the following level or within this scope of practice:
(1) all skills listed for the Emergency
Medical Responder,
(2) patient
assessment, determination of vital signs, diagnostic signs, and triage,
(3) bandaging, splinting, control
of hemorrhage, and shock management,
(4) Administration of medications per medical
direction and approved by the Department,
(5) maintenance of established intravenous
fluids without medications,
CPR, use of adjunctive airway devices to include supraglottic airway devices,
and the use of the AED,
(7) Upon
the approval of the Department, additional skills may be authorized upon the
written request of a local medical director.
(f) A licensed Intermediate may perform to
the following level or within this scope of practice,
(1) all skills listed within the Emergency
Medical Responder and Emergency Medical Technician scope of practice,
(2) establishment of vascular or
intraosseous access for the administration of fluids without medications.
Approved fluids include; lactated ringers, normal saline, 1/2 normal saline,
dextrose 5%, and dextrose 10%,
administration of medications per medical direction and approved by the
(4) venipuncture to
obtain blood samples per local medical control,
(5) the use and placement of definitive
airway adjuncts for adults, children, and infants,
(6) all other emergency medical care skills
and measures included in the instructional guidelines adopted by the Department
which are not specifically listed above, and
(7) Upon the approval of the Department,
additional skills may be authorized upon the written request of a medical
(g) A licensed
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician may perform to the following level and
within this scope of practice:
(1) all skills
listed for the Emergency Medical Responder, Emergency Medical Technician and
(2) other skills and
procedures included in the instructional guidelines adopted by the Department,
(3) upon approval of the
Department, additional skills may be authorized upon the written request of the
medical director.
(h) A
licensed Paramedic may perform to the following level or within this scope of
(1) all skills listed for the other
certified or licensed emergency medical personnel
(2) recognitions, interpretation, treatment
of cardiac arrhythmias using a cardiac monitor/defibrillator/external
(3) advanced management
of pediatric emergencies, including resuscitation, airway placement, and
(4) advanced management
of obstetric and gynecologic emergency including medication
(5) advanced
interventions of psychiatric patients including medication administration,
(6) all other emergency medical
skills and measures included in the instructional guidelines adopted by the
Department, and
(7) upon approval
of the Department, additional skills may be authorized upon the written request
of a medical director.
(i) Pursuant to 63 O.S. § 1-502.1,
emergency medical personnel shall assist Good Samaritans who may have been
exposed to a communicable disease. This includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Providing OSDH information relating to
communicable disease exposure, and
(2) Assistance with completing OSDH approved
(j) Emergency
medical personnel may also consult with a Good Samaritan for potential
exposures based on OSDH Guidance.
(k) The Department will provide support to
emergency medical personnel through educational material to ensure evidence
based material is available.