Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 310 - Oklahoma State Department of Health
Chapter 555 - Notification of Communicable Disease Risk Exposure
Section 310:555-1-2 - Definitions
The following words or terms, when used in this Chapter, shall have the following meaning unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Designee providing post-exposure follow-up" means any person authorized by law and designated by the employer to be responsible for counseling the exposed health care worker, emergency responder or funeral worker regarding the potential risks, need for further evaluation, testing and treatment, and communicating source patient test results. Examples would be case managers, occupational health practitioners, infection control practitioners, etc. This person should be current with the latest issues regarding occupational exposures and are responsible to comply with 63 O.S. Supp. 2001, Section 1-502.1 et seq.
"Emergency responder" means fire fighters, certified or designated first responders, emergency medical technicians and peace officers.
"Funeral worker" means any person who prepares a corpse for burial or other disposition.
"Good Samaritan" means where no prior contractual relationship exists, any person who in good faith renders or attempts to render emergency care consisting of artificial respiration, restoration of breathing, or preventing or retarding the loss of blood, or aiding or restoring heart action or circulation of blood to the victim or victims of an accident or emergency, wherever required, shall not be liable for any civil damages as a result of any acts or omissions by such person in rendering the emergency care.
"Health care facility" means any hospital, medical center, clinic, medical examiner, ambulatory surgical center, home care agency, hospice, nursing facility, assisted living facility and residential care facility or other inpatient or outpatient health care supplier to which a source patient is transported after a risk exposure.
"Health care facility designated person" means the person authorized by law and designated by the health care facility to be responsible for following up reported risk exposures.
"Health care worker" means any health care facility employee, physician, nurse or other health care provider whose job activities involve contact with patients or with any blood or body fluids from patients in an inpatient or outpatient health care facility, including the patient's home.
"Licensed health care professional" means a physician, a registered nurse, or a physician assistant (PA).
"Occupational Risk disease" for the purpose of these rules, are those infectious diseases which are transmitted from person-to-person by close or intimate contact with blood or body secretions and which may pose an occupational risk to emergency responders, health care workers, and funeral workers. Such diseases include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B (HBV), Hepatitis C (HCV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), meningococcus, measles, pertussis and tuberculosis.
"Potentially infectious body fluids" means blood or blood products; semen or vaginal secretions; pleural, synovial, cerebrospinal, pericardial, peritoneal and amniotic fluids; any fluid visibly contaminated with blood; and all body fluids in situations where it is difficult or impossible to differentiate between body fluids.
"Risk exposure" means an exposure which has been epidemiologically demonstrated to pose a risk for transmission of an occupational risk disease. Such an exposure would include a parenteral (e.g. needle stick or cut), permucosal (e.g. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or splash to the eye or mouth) exposure to blood or other body fluids, or contact with blood to skin which is chapped, abraded or afflicted with dermatitis or exposure to respiratory secretions.
"Source patient" means the person to whom the health care worker, emergency responder, or funeral worker has had a risk exposure.
Amended at 10 Ok Reg 631, eff 1-1-93 (emergency); Amended at 10 Ok Reg 1717, eff 6-1-93; Amended at 21 Ok Reg 239, eff 11-6-03 (emergency); Amended at 21 Ok Reg 1041, eff 5-13-04