Oklahoma Administrative Code
Title 185 - Crime Victims Compensation Board
Chapter 1 - Administrative Operations
Section 185:1-1-13 - Subpoena of witnesses and/or records and documents
Current through Vol. 42, No. 7, December 16, 2024
If the claimant wishes to have the Board issue subpoenas on his/her behalf either at the time of the initial Board consideration of the claim or at the time of appeal, the claimant shall:
(1) Indicate on the Invitation to Appear form that you wish to have witnesses subpoenaed on your behalf.
(2) In an appeal, the claimant must state whether he/she wishes the Board to subpoena any witnesses. In order to preserve the Victims Compensation Revolving Fund for its intended use, the Board will not be responsible for paying witness fees.
(3) If the claimant requests subpoenas be issued to witnesses, it will be the responsibility of the requesting party to deliver the subpoenas. If witnesses are unable to appear, it shall be the decision of the claimant as to whether or not the claim is considered as scheduled, or passed to the next regular meeting.
(4) In order to allow sufficient time for the Board to issue subpoenas and for service to be obtained on the witness, the claimant must deliver the completed request for a subpoena to the Board office no later than seven (7) working days prior to the hearing or appeal.
Amended at 11 Ok Reg 1153, eff 2-28-94