Oklahoma Administrative Code
Section 1:2019-29
Upon taking office, I directed my staff to begin examining the frequency with which state agencies, boards, and commissions hire outside lobbyists to lobby the State's legislators on their behalf and the costs incurred as a result of such lobbying. In addition, I issued Executive Order 2019-02, which required state agencies, boards, and commissions to provide my office information related to the hiring of any outside lobbyists. The information provided demonstrated over $1,000,000 of taxpayers' money was spent annually by agencies, boards, and commissions on outside lobbyists.
As stated in Executive Order 2019-02, there is a role to be played in governmental affairs for persons to lobby legislators on behalf of various interest groups. The Oklahoma Statutes recognize this role in regulating the conduct of lobbyists in Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Chapter 62 Appendix 1, Rule 5. However, as Governor of the State Oklahoma with "Supreme Executive power" to manage the Executive Branch of the government, as provided for in Section 2 of Article VI of the Oklahoma Constitution, I have determined that it is not a proper use of state funds for any state agency, board, or commission to expend taxpayers' money on the hiring of outside lobbyists to lobby the State's legislators on behalf of any state agency, board, or commission.
As a result, therefore, I, J. Kevin Stitt, Governor of the State of Oklahoma, by the authority vested in me pursuant to Sections 1 and 2 of Article VI of the Oklahoma Constitution, hereby prohibit all "state agencies," as defined by 61 O.S. § 327(A), from entering into any new, or renewing any existing, contract or any other agreement with a Lobbyist for the purpose of Lobbying without first securing the express, written approval of the appropriate Cabinet Secretary. For purposes of this Executive Order, the terms Lobbyist and Lobbying shall have the same meanings as defined in Executive Order 2019-02.
Copies of this Executive Order shall be distributed to the chief executives of every State agency, board, and commission for immediate implementation. Copies of this Executive Order shall also be supplied to each Cabinet Secretary.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Oklahoma to be affixed at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma this 5 th day of July, 2019
J. Kevin Stitt
Michael Rogers
Secretary of State