Ohio Administrative Code
Title 901 - Department of Agriculture - Administration and Director
Chapter 901-19 - Livestock Exhibitions
Section 901-19-31 - Responsibilities of and assistance to junior fair exhibitors
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
This is an optional rule.
(A) A junior livestock show exhibitor shall be responsible for the continuous care, grooming, and preparation of the livestock entered in the junior livestock show.
(B) An exhibitor may receive assistance in the care, grooming, and preparation of the livestock entered in the junior livestock show, provided that the assistance shall be limited to explanation or demonstration provided by the following:
(C) Any person not specified in paragraph (B) of this rule who provides assistance to a junior livestock show exhibitor shall register in writing with the sponsor. The responsibility to register rests with the exhibitor. An assistant may register for more than one exhibitor. Failure to register constitutes grounds for disciplinary action against the exhibitor. Assistance shall be limited to explanation and minimal demonstration.