Ohio Administrative Code
Title 901:10 - Livestock Environmental Permitting
Chapter 901:10-6 - Public Notice and Information
Section 901:10-6-04 - Public meetings; close of the public comment period
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Not later than thirty days after public notice of a draft permit, draft permit modification, or a proposed action to deny, suspend, or revoke a permit, any person may file a request for a public meeting. This paragraph does not apply to amended draft actions or to a NPDES permit application where an antidegradation review is required.
(B) Public meetings and antidegradation review and NPDES permits.
(C) If the director determines that there is significant public interest as described in paragraph (D) of this rule in a draft permit to install, permit to operate, NPDES permit, or modification of any permit, in the antidegradation review described in paragraph (B)(2) of this rule, or in any proposed action to deny, suspend, or revoke a permit, or where required to do so by statute or rule, the director shall hold one public meeting in the county where the facility is located or in a contiguous county. In consideration of an application for issuance of a permit, the director may hold one public meeting prior to issuance of a permit. When allowed by the antidegradation policy, the director shall hold the public meeting on antidegradation issues concurrently with any public meeting held for the draft permit.
The director may take other, reasonable steps to inform the public about draft permits, including fact sheets, brochures or other informal sessions with the public and the permittee.
The director may include representatives from other government departments, offices and agencies to participate in public meetings and otherwise invite these persons to provide pertinent information to the public.
(D) Significant public interest means statements made in writing by twenty or more persons expressing interest in the draft permit before the director or in the antidegradation review and requesting a public meeting. Significant public interest may also include expressed interest by one or more public officials.
(E) Public notice of the public meeting shall be published at least thirty days prior to the public meeting in a newspaper of general circulation and shall include:
(F) In any public meeting, the director may appoint a presiding officer to conduct the meeting. The officer shall state at the beginning of the meeting the manner in which the meeting will be conducted, time limits for testifying, and any other procedures for conducting the meeting. Procedures and time limits may vary according to the number of people wishing to testify, the time the meeting starts, weather conditions and other situations affecting the length of the meeting. On the date and at the time and place specified in the notice, the public meeting shall be held at which any person:
(G) Any person requesting time to make an oral comment at the meeting must register their name and address prior to the beginning of the meeting. Persons shall be called to provide a statement for the record in the order of registration, unless the presiding officer determines otherwise.
(H) Information presented by any person shall be limited to the criteria and information that are applicable to the permit application that is the subject of the public meeting. The officer may rule out of order any person who does not address comments to the matter that is the subject of the public meeting.
(I) Persons attending the public meeting are authorized to tape or videotape the proceedings provided the following requirements are met: